Mortimer Dullahan Greenweaver
"What do you mean you haven't heard of me? I'm Mortimer Dullahan Greenweaver, the (soon-to-be) hero of...what's this place called again?"
Mort is naturally an average sized human with fair skin, naturally green eyes, and long brown hair that's split between wavy and curly and seems to slightly defy gravity. He is decently built, not fully athletic but enough muscle is there to show he can hold his own in a fight. An odd trait is that he has mouths on his palms and soles, usually hidden from sight.
When not trying to show off, he wears a fairly bland dark blue and grey outfit, sandals, and an orange scarf that he just can't bear to part with. While he does have other outfits for formal wear, bounty hunting, andmaid duty side jobs, his favorite outfit is a red coat, white scarf and a left arm sleeve with inactive runes sewn in.
His greatest trait is he shares a lineage with shapeshifters, letting him appear as other humanoids. While he can use this to go from a short and skinny halfling to an large and in charge orc, he usually sticks to just altering his eyes and hair as he prefers his natural looks, as he only looks like the race and can never truly mimic their inherent abilities, and haircuts show that even his new appearance is only temporary.
When not trying to show off, he wears a fairly bland dark blue and grey outfit, sandals, and an orange scarf that he just can't bear to part with. While he does have other outfits for formal wear, bounty hunting, and
His greatest trait is he shares a lineage with shapeshifters, letting him appear as other humanoids. While he can use this to go from a short and skinny halfling to an large and in charge orc, he usually sticks to just altering his eyes and hair as he prefers his natural looks, as he only looks like the race and can never truly mimic their inherent abilities, and haircuts show that even his new appearance is only temporary.
Skills and Abilities

- Short swords
- Crossbows
- Nets/Ropes
- Sewing needles & String
- Factotum
- Bounty Hunter
- Definitely wasn't a maid from a mix-up.
- Pneuma (Primary)
- Rune
- Scripture
- Weaving/Stitching
- Smiting (various)
Mighty Warrior of the Wind- Shapeshifter
- Fluently speaks Trade/Common, Ïzä, Monastic Sign, & Skin-cant
Bright and cheery, one wouldn't be incorrect with assuming something's off with him, though that has less to do with his sanity and more with his mother's outlook on life which he took a bit too much to heart. While this sometimes puts his head in the clouds, the need to food and work keeps him levelheaded enough that it (usually) doesn't become an issue. It also doesn't help that he enjoys the rush of a proper fight, nor the post fight where he can relax with some calm, collected sewing exercises so he doesn't look like a complete fool when he enters the nearest point of civilization. One of his biggest issues is his lack of foresight regarding how much he can do, having gotten close to invoking the first law's greatest price on multiple occasions as well as many close calls thinking he could finish a battle before losing a finger for a week.
Biography & Lore
Born to a Mother who worked as a weaver and a father who worked as a scribe, the young lad was taught at an early age the basic knowledge of his parents' work, as well as his heritage as a human who could naturally shapeshift thanks to his mother. It was also during his young life he was taught the ways of pneuma, or magic of the breath which allowed him to do various things, like temporarily enhance himself, trick others with illusions, breath out the elements and in someday control the air itself. He was also taught to never use the two strongest spells in pneuma: to selflessly give one's breath for another to live or to take another for one's own selfish needs. While harsh the magic was useful in day to day life, and he was happy.
After becoming of age, he set out to become a knight. He made his way to Alliria to try and do just that, but things didn't quite work out that way and after several mishaps involving him becoming a maid for half a year; gaining ownership of a square inch of land in Alliria; and a pyramid scheme curse that caused him to lose the ability to say the word 'dog' for several months, he was forced to take up his current jobs as a factotum and bounty hunter. As such for the past few years he's tried to make a name for himself, though he keeps running into the issue of trying to make a cool name to become famous with.
After becoming of age, he set out to become a knight. He made his way to Alliria to try and do just that, but things didn't quite work out that way and after several mishaps involving him becoming a maid for half a year; gaining ownership of a square inch of land in Alliria; and a pyramid scheme curse that caused him to lose the ability to say the word 'dog' for several months, he was forced to take up his current jobs as a factotum and bounty hunter. As such for the past few years he's tried to make a name for himself, though he keeps running into the issue of trying to make a cool name to become famous with.