Resistance to extreme heat
Regrowing teeth
The Monowai are a sub-species of Kivren hailing from deep in the Akiva Sea. They live in volcanic channels and springs, hunting underwater with brute strength and pressurised steam they can vent from their bodies. They are a undeveloped society that rarely have contact with other Kivren, let alone other species. The Monowai are warriors that spar frequently to establish dominance - the adults are rarely seen without scars. As a group, the Monowai are known to actively hunt sailors and fisherman as prey. Pods of young Monowai often patrol the coastlines and pick on local village populations to test their mettle before moving onto larger, less land-based prey.
The Monowai speak a ‘dialect’ of the Kivren language. There are subtle differences, but they use the same essential sounds and methods - low pitch songs and clicks, whistles. To the Monowai, words aren't necessarily conveyed. The sounds communicate feelings, warning, and other simple signals commonly found in intelligent marine life. It takes some getting used to for a Monowai and a general Kivren to understand each other.
Monowai are long, powerful Kivren with large gills and flexible fins that allow them to turn quickly in narrow volcanic passages and extract oxygen from water often deficient in it. Female Monowai are commonly larger than males, and sport longer and more decorative tails.
In their natural mer forms, Monowai have tough, heat-resistant scales and the ability to self-regulate their temperature by venting pressurized steam from their gills and mouth. This sub-species is often paler in colour due to lack of sunlight, and commonly have darker, mottled backs that camouflage them when hunting.
Although Monowai have the similar sharp teeth to deep sea Kivren, they are frequently losing them due to their preference to use their teeth offensively. Monowai have evolved to constantly regrow their lost teeth and maintain an immense bite force to help them prey on hard-shelled sea-life without dependence on tools.
In their natural mer forms, Monowai have tough, heat-resistant scales and the ability to self-regulate their temperature by venting pressurized steam from their gills and mouth. This sub-species is often paler in colour due to lack of sunlight, and commonly have darker, mottled backs that camouflage them when hunting.
Although Monowai have the similar sharp teeth to deep sea Kivren, they are frequently losing them due to their preference to use their teeth offensively. Monowai have evolved to constantly regrow their lost teeth and maintain an immense bite force to help them prey on hard-shelled sea-life without dependence on tools.
Monowai are found deep in the Akiva Sea. They are naturally drawn to volcanic vents and springs of super-heated water along the sea floor. Monowai run at much higher temperatures because of this environment, resulting in a quick metabolism but poor endurance.
Due to their affinity to underwater heat, very cold or very dry environments can be dangerous to Monowai. The cold slows their metabolism to the point of being sluggish and having rapid energy loss. Once dehydrated, Monowai will very quickly die - even faster than humans. If maintaining an access to water, the Monowai can struggle but survive in dry climates, but the cold is debilitating to them.
Due to their affinity to underwater heat, very cold or very dry environments can be dangerous to Monowai. The cold slows their metabolism to the point of being sluggish and having rapid energy loss. Once dehydrated, Monowai will very quickly die - even faster than humans. If maintaining an access to water, the Monowai can struggle but survive in dry climates, but the cold is debilitating to them.
A tribal society with even poorer technology than Kivren communities, the Monowai could very easily be mistaken for a vaguley-intelligent marine life if it wasn't for their social groups, organised culture and developed language. This aggressive sub-species is typically brutal, predatory, and unafraid to use their innate siren abilities to lure land-folk to their deaths.
Amongst their kind, females are the top of the ladder. Women in Monowai culture determine the pod's fate and movements. Typically, the eldest is the leader, going down in seniority and importance. In the men however, it is a much more brutal way of deciding who's top dog. They often spar each other to prove their dominance, resulting in large teeth or claw scars. Although shamed and lesser, defeated Monowai men are still important parts of the pod for hunting and scouting, so if these injuries are too severe they are cared for until they recover.
If a pod gets too large, younger Monowai men may split off into bachelor groups that roam further from their sea-floor homes to explore. This is the only real interaction Monowai may have with the world outside their familial groups.
Amongst their kind, females are the top of the ladder. Women in Monowai culture determine the pod's fate and movements. Typically, the eldest is the leader, going down in seniority and importance. In the men however, it is a much more brutal way of deciding who's top dog. They often spar each other to prove their dominance, resulting in large teeth or claw scars. Although shamed and lesser, defeated Monowai men are still important parts of the pod for hunting and scouting, so if these injuries are too severe they are cared for until they recover.
If a pod gets too large, younger Monowai men may split off into bachelor groups that roam further from their sea-floor homes to explore. This is the only real interaction Monowai may have with the world outside their familial groups.
Physically, the Monowai haven't so long split from their Kivren relatives. They still appear essentially the same, but it is the primitive culture that really separates them. The Monowai have evolved physical traits to deal with their harsh environment, whilst the Kivren have developed tools. As a developing society they are stunted by aggression and lack of contact with other species.
It is only recently that Monowai have started to have any sort of curiosity in the outside world. This is more noticeable in the younger generations, who are less dedicated to tradition and hear snatches of talk about the dry lands above the surface.
It is only recently that Monowai have started to have any sort of curiosity in the outside world. This is more noticeable in the younger generations, who are less dedicated to tradition and hear snatches of talk about the dry lands above the surface.
”They screamed when they touched the water. At least, I thought they did. I plugged my ears with wax when the song started. The water churned like a gale was upon us, but the sails were slack. It was like the sea itself was boiling, and a scalding fog descended on me! I thought 'If this is not a nightmare then I must be a madman.’ Afterwards, I supposed I was.” — Unknown, 312
- Image Credit: "Merman" by Vrihedd Art
- devil & deep blue
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