Moderation Guide


The Chronicles wiki has no defined approval system for articles. They may be written at any time and on any subject. The wiki is, however, moderated. This is a form of quality control to ensure that articles are of a suitable standard and conform to our guidelines and rules. The guidelines are located on the main wiki page and on each area page.

When to moderate

There are three activities that should lead to moderation:
  1. An article is reported by a user.
  2. A moderator scans the recent changes and new pages and finds an article that does not conform to guidelines or rules.
  3. A moderator checks the Quality Templates, clicks View > articles using this template and finds articles that have not had sufficient changes made.
Moderators should be carrying out checks on the wiki on at least a weekly basis. Empty articles can be found under Short Pages

The most common defects requiring moderation are:
  • Articles missing references
  • Articles missing sources to artwork/images
  • Articles that are lacking content, quality, or are WIP
  • Articles that are lacking balance or are scaled too large for provided resources (massive Kingdoms/cities)
  • Articles that break the forum's setting
  • Articles that contain plagiarism
  • Articles that need minor quality tweaks (broken code/formatting)
  • An article is in the wrong area

How to moderate

In the case where the original author must make changes:
  • Add the relevant Quality Template at the top of the original article, above the start of the article's coding (if required)
  • Add a comment to the article that explains the Moderation to the author and provides the specific edits required to remove it
  • Alert the author they have 2 weeks to make the requested edits or the article may be archived
  • Keep an open dialogue with the author while edits are being made
If small tweaks to fix code are required or a move to a different area then go ahead and make them and let the author know what you did. You may also add appropriate tags and categories to articles.

If users have entered into a dispute about conflicting articles or conflicting changes made to the same article then mark the article(s) as Under Review and start a conversation through board PMs or Discord to resolve the dispute.

The moderation queue is a tool which hides an article from view of all normal users. This should only be used in extreme cases where the article needs to be taken out of sight and changes applied by a moderator.

Next steps

Should the article not be updated within the required time then the moderator has several options available:
  • Ask the author to give a date for the changes to be made
  • Delete the article: this should only be used if the article is nearly devoid of content and it seems that the author has left the site
  • Move the article to the archive:
    • Move it to the Archive Area
    • Add the archived article quality tag
    • Edit the name to include the Archive: prefix. Be sure to check "Do not create a redirect when renaming this page". (This prevents auto-linking)
    • Include a comment as to why this has taken place
If the original author contests the requested edits then you may change your additional ruling or insist that they are made, highlighting the relevant Guidelines that have been breached. This may be referred to an administrator if necessary.


How do I move an article?
  • Click Options > Move to another Area. It is intended to give this permission to users to cover mistakes in a future version
Renaming an article leaves a synonym?
  • Make sure you check "Do not create a redirect when renaming this page" when changing the name
How do I archive an article?
  1. Move it to the Archive Area
  2. Add the archived article quality tag
  3. Edit the name to include the Archive: prefix. Be sure to check "Do not create a redirect when renaming this page". (This prevents auto-linking)
  4. Include a comment as to why this has taken place

Example Messages

Article lacks content:


All articles should have enough content and information for other members of the forum to use for their own roleplay purposes. This article does not meet our content standards - please take some time to fill out each section or this article may be archived.

If anything about this is unclear or you've other questions, you're welcome to reply to this discussion and we'll work with you to sort it out.

Chronicles Mod team
Edits not made:


We see that you haven't made the required edits yet, nor responded to this message in search of clarification.

Please address the issues in question, or we'll have to archive your article for not complying with our wiki guidelines.

Chronicles Mod team
Article archived:


This article has been archived for not complying with our wiki guidelines.
If you would like to have it brought out of the archives to make the requested edits, please send a Private Message to one of the Moderators.

Chronicles Mod team
Missing Resources:


We require that all articles on the Wiki (except character biographies) have In-Character roleplay references. If this NPC has been mentioned in any threads you have roleplayed in, please link them under the heading References.

If anything about this is unclear or you've other questions, you're welcome to reply to this discussion and we'll work with you to sort it out.

Chronicles Mod team​

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