Mister Grim

Mister Grim

Biographical information
Forged in the underworld, from the bones of the dead. There is no age, a reaper simply exists The underworld, many have different names for it, but it all ultimately is the same place.
Physical description
Reaper: A reaper is a solider of death. Forged by bones of the dead, they enforce the rules of death. Male 6 feet 15-25 pounds none none none
Political information
Death-keeper: A death-keeper is ordered to prevent people who have died from coming back to Arethil viva soul transfer.
Out-of-character information
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Mister Grim is one of a few chosen reapers sent to Arethil for the purposes of finding and killing soul-skippers. A soul-skipper is a person (any race) that has jumped from a dead body to a living body. Mister Grim job is to track down and kill the soul-skipper. However he appears to also enjoy a bit of criminal punishment, which while not ordered by the underworld does seem to be allowed by them.


Mister Grim is a skeleton that wears a black shroud. He lacks any real human apparencies and somewhat functions poorly.

Skills and Abilities

He can't technically be killed due to being a Reaper, however he lacks much real strength as a lack of muscles causes problems with weight. He is a skilled archer and can use a scythe very well.


Mister Grim is a lazy and sarcastic reaper. He is known for mainly taking shortcuts and having poor planning. However, when he wants to kill someone, that person always ends up dead.

Biography & Lore

Mister Grim is one of a few chosen reapers sent to Arethil for the purposes of finding and killing soul-skippers. A soul-skipper is a person (any race) that has jumped from a dead body to a living body. Mister Grim job is to track down and kill the soul-skipper. However he appears to also enjoy a bit of criminal punishment, which while not ordered by the underworld does seem to be allowed by them.


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