Mila Litwin
Mila, a distinct foreigner of a relatively tall height, five foot ten, is for all things considered, a relatively dull looking individual. Adorning auburn hair, unkempt and shoulder length in appearance, only to be accompanied by a set of oval-shaped hazel eyes, a straight nose, and full lips, complete the features of a relatively round face. Various tattoo's adorn the aforementioned, perhaps the only thing that could be considered unique, tribal markings and symbols from her homeland, which take the form of red streaks appearing under her eyes, and down the shape of her neck, only to be concealed by clothing.
Evidently fair and caucasian in complexion, her attire consists of once more, relatively dull clothing. A rather basic hood, attached to a leather tunic, boots, jeans, and the entire sort, her entire attire is mostly lightweight, and allows her agile frame free movement without impediment.
Evidently fair and caucasian in complexion, her attire consists of once more, relatively dull clothing. A rather basic hood, attached to a leather tunic, boots, jeans, and the entire sort, her entire attire is mostly lightweight, and allows her agile frame free movement without impediment.
Skills and Abilities
To put it as simply as possible, Mila has little, if any abilities that could be considered or even exceptional in comparison to most others. Born in a mountain tribe on the Eastern continent, her abilities are limited to those of simple hunting, marksmanship and dueling, which admittedly, if nothing else, she excels at, after spending most of her life doing so. The concept of magic is also something she has extremely basic abilities on, simple spells at her best, with little advanced training or knowledge being present. Alongside which, she can be considered a rather avid tracker, with extensive knowledge on various beasts, and countless years spent hunting and tracking them in her homeland.
Other than the aforementioned, Mila possesses knowledge on various languages of the Eastern Empire, and has managed to grasp an extremely basic sense of Common through her line of work.
Other than the aforementioned, Mila possesses knowledge on various languages of the Eastern Empire, and has managed to grasp an extremely basic sense of Common through her line of work.
A self-centered power hungry narcissist and brute would be the easiest way to describe her. Her sole focus is working for her next meal and to elevate her own status, with little concern of how she does it, her morales are low, and for the most part, always have been. Headstrong and refusing to accept any fault in herself, she tends to be the type to always argue or put up protest, even if it's evident she's in the wrong. In her interactions with others, she's blunt, brash, and for the most part comes across as rude.
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