Mikelle Fallowbridge
Mikelle is the young son of the wealthy Fallowbridge family. The family is made up of powerful merchants, but are most well known for their high quality wine. Mikelle works directly with running much of the winery business for the family.
Among humans, Mikelle is somewhat short for a guy. He's a little fat and lacks any hidden muscle definition underneath it. He has round, soft features. His skin is a light brown and he's absolutely covered in freckles, with most being noticeable on his cheeks, shoulders, and collarbones. His eyes are reflective and shiny, giving a bright and sweet look.
His brown hair goes half-way down his shoulder blades and is most often tied in a ponytail. When he gets to pick his style, he has thick bangs in his face. However, he often has his hair brushed back neatly, professionally. His general looks and style are tidy, fancy, and most importantly: nonthreatening.
His favorite color for clothing is blue. Most often he wears ritzy well-made clothing with floral patterns that his family takes great pride in. Mikelle always has his arms covered. If he's wearing a short-sleeved shirt, then he will also be wearing long gloves, etc. He always wears a garnet ring with the Fallowbridge family crest carved directly into the gem itself.
His brown hair goes half-way down his shoulder blades and is most often tied in a ponytail. When he gets to pick his style, he has thick bangs in his face. However, he often has his hair brushed back neatly, professionally. His general looks and style are tidy, fancy, and most importantly: nonthreatening.
His favorite color for clothing is blue. Most often he wears ritzy well-made clothing with floral patterns that his family takes great pride in. Mikelle always has his arms covered. If he's wearing a short-sleeved shirt, then he will also be wearing long gloves, etc. He always wears a garnet ring with the Fallowbridge family crest carved directly into the gem itself.
Skills and Abilities
Mikelle is naturally clever, but also well-educated. A child taught by the best tutors money can buy. He's knowledgeable academically speaking. Of course he has a great understanding of viticulture, but his fancy-pants knowledge extends broadly from fine music (including playing the violin), business, and law.
Mikelle is a quick thinker and articulate speaker. While he'd like to be genuine more often, ultimately his best defense is lies, trickery, and a fast response. THAT being said, he's not used to the world and he too can fall into the same sort of trap he lays out.
Mikelle's true passion is for magic, and his specialty is enchantments. His enchantments require writing symbols. In order to be prepared for trouble, Mikelle carries around a few pieces of paper or handkerchiefs with symbols written on them, ready to be used. Do not mistaken this for fighting expertise. If he was cornered in an alleyway, about to be mugged, his plan would ultimately be to distract and then run away to get the guards.
Mikelle is terrified of dogs/canines. He sees them as perfect killing machines.
Mikelle is naturally clever, but also well-educated. A child taught by the best tutors money can buy. He's knowledgeable academically speaking. Of course he has a great understanding of viticulture, but his fancy-pants knowledge extends broadly from fine music (including playing the violin), business, and law.
Mikelle is a quick thinker and articulate speaker. While he'd like to be genuine more often, ultimately his best defense is lies, trickery, and a fast response. THAT being said, he's not used to the world and he too can fall into the same sort of trap he lays out.
Mikelle's true passion is for magic, and his specialty is enchantments. His enchantments require writing symbols. In order to be prepared for trouble, Mikelle carries around a few pieces of paper or handkerchiefs with symbols written on them, ready to be used. Do not mistaken this for fighting expertise. If he was cornered in an alleyway, about to be mugged, his plan would ultimately be to distract and then run away to get the guards.
Mikelle is terrified of dogs/canines. He sees them as perfect killing machines.
Mikelle is an incredibly inquisitive person and has an adventurous heart, but isn't the hardened fighter of most people with such passion. He often indulges himself with just good gossip and traveling, safely, with an excuse for the family to permit it. His curiosity can get the better of him at times. He always wants to learn something new.
He can definitely be quite sweet and friendly. He's polite and more than a little bit of a social chameleon. It seems the reason his family picks Mikelle to perform outings on their behalf is because he's a pretty quick thinker and silver-tongued. It works well with his soft, unassuming appearances.
While quite clever, Mikelle has also been very sheltered. His worldview is that from a rich family who has stayed rich from legal practices; nothing scary about winemaking. While he has his own hurdles in life, he hasn't experienced how cruel and cold the world can be.
Biography & Lore
Mikelle comes from old money; the Fallowbridge estates. The Fallowbridge have been around for a number of generations; halflings with a keen eye for quality that led them to making some of the best wine in Arethil. They're merchants, landlords, and farmers. A few branches of the family have made honest work breeding the finest rabbits to make the most wonderful of wools, and so on. While Fallowbridge is powerful, they've never done anything particularly seedy, or even magical. Just simple yet high quality work.
Frankly, the Fallowbridges never much cared for magic.
Mikelle was raised much the same way as many other family members before him; carefully, luxuriously. Yet his studies only ever included magic in history books. Mikelle had an interest in magic, and a knack for little spells even as a child. He wished dearly to learn magic, but his parents refused. Ultimately, Mikelle had to learn magic on his own, behind their backs.
While he secretly studied his own passions, Mikelle never rebelled against the family. He lives comfortably in the Fallowbridge estate like much of his family, overseeing a vineyard and departing from the premises only for business matters. Or so he says.
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