Meepo the Magnificent
Slayer of great evils, destroyer of chromatic dragons, and champion of Rootrock, Meepo the Magnificent is the hope and dreams of the members of Clan Rootrock.
Though small in stature, Meepo has the heart of a titan and that spirit and will has led to him rising above all his forebears.
Skills and Abilities
Martial Prowess- Like many Knights of his Order, especially at his age, Meepo has mastered various forms of martial combat, preferring to fight with a sword and board.
Smokescreen- Proof of his strong draconian heritage, Meepo can emit a large puff of smoke that can temporarily shield his movements from his foes.
Cure Light Wounds- Meepo through his pursuit and devotion to Life has gained the ability to heal minor wounds and in instances when needed most, has been able to call upon the earth around him to heal severe wounds, at loss to the nature around him. As such, those feats are a double edged sword.
Sunbeam- Meepo calls upon a ray of radiant light to scorch a selected spot. It cuts through shadow and all manner of dark magics.
Ensnaring Smite- Harnessing his connection to nature, Meepo can call upon his draconian Gods and nature itself to latch onto an opponent upon a successful strike. He can use it only twice a day. This can be used at range or in melee.
Smokescreen- Proof of his strong draconian heritage, Meepo can emit a large puff of smoke that can temporarily shield his movements from his foes.
Cure Light Wounds- Meepo through his pursuit and devotion to Life has gained the ability to heal minor wounds and in instances when needed most, has been able to call upon the earth around him to heal severe wounds, at loss to the nature around him. As such, those feats are a double edged sword.
Sunbeam- Meepo calls upon a ray of radiant light to scorch a selected spot. It cuts through shadow and all manner of dark magics.
Ensnaring Smite- Harnessing his connection to nature, Meepo can call upon his draconian Gods and nature itself to latch onto an opponent upon a successful strike. He can use it only twice a day. This can be used at range or in melee.
Light-hearted and warm, Meepo welcomes all who accept him. Life as a Kobold is hard with many having disdain for his kind, though he never puts that back onto others. He truly believes he is descended from Artorias and carries himself to a higher standard and acts in a way that will only honor the leader of the Order.
Meepo also believes that through bravery and noble feats, he will ascend to Dragonhood, a belief shared by the Kobolds of his Clan.
Meepo also believes that through bravery and noble feats, he will ascend to Dragonhood, a belief shared by the Kobolds of his Clan.
Biography & Lore
Born in Mossdeep, a Kobold village in the Spine, they fall under the protection of the Dragon Tzarkata. Meepo is the oldest son of the illustrious Clan Rootrock and the shining hope for his Clan. Like many of his forebears, he was sent to train with the Knights of Anathaeum.
He has been romantically involved with the silver dragon, Lyra for a decade and recently slain the Dark God Vardan in the defense of Alliria. His most notable success, in his mind, is the successful carriage wash.
He has been romantically involved with the silver dragon, Lyra for a decade and recently slain the Dark God Vardan in the defense of Alliria. His most notable success, in his mind, is the successful carriage wash.
Tales of the Past:
Silver Goddess of the Stars and Meepo the Magnificent- Meepo meets the love of his Kobold life, Lyra. (Ongoing)As a Knight-Sworn:
Of Wild Hearts- Meepo leads Jehsalia and Syr Theros on a mission to interfere with Baron Alon Pinkrose. (Ongoing)Suds of Honor- Meepo and Osuin run a carriage wash to raise money for the Order (Ongoing)
Defense of Alliria- Meepo slays the dark god Vardan and Alliria routes its attackers. (Completed)
As a Knight-Pursuant: