Marzia Winters

Marzia Sky Winters

Biographical information
Vesturfjord 26 Elbion
Physical description
Tak`Chift (snow-leopard shifter) female 5'2" 250lbs White Yellow light pale
Political information
Skys Trading Co. Trader
Out-of-character information
Fluffy Kitty 10/13/19 black_hanekawa


Human Form: Short stature, Mesomorph frame, surprisingly toned legs, ample assets, bright cat-like eyes, pale skin, 4 inch white fluffy ears (no humanoid ears), long and heavy (100 lbs) white tail, wavy snow-white hair and sharp nails (toe nails included).

Snow-leopard Form: Roughly-from tail tip to snout-is about 7 feet long, snow-white fur, bright yellow eyes, large canines and

Skills and Abilities

Tak`Chift Species Detail: Tak`Chift's lifespan are that of humans. They appear as humans, with some that have deformities that cause them to not be able to hide their animal-like features (such as a tail, scales, animal like iris', etc) which even their own kind chastise. Their diet is of whatever their breed is, for instance, a lion-Chift will be a meat eater, whereas a dog-Chift would likely eat everyday food. Each breed has its own attributes, none are the same across different species. When they shift, it's not very pretty to watch. Their body contorts and their form completely molds into that of their beast-specific race.

Species Attribute: As a Tak`Chift, the ability to shift into their ancestries beast is what they are known for. For Marzia, she is a feline shifter, specifically a snow-leopard. With the ability to shift at will to beast form, she is able to take on the attributes of the feline which includes: perfect balance, enhanced speeds (topping out at 20 mph in human form, 40 in beast form), climate control (withstand extreme temperatures), jaw strength (in beast form), peak physical performance and enhanced hearing.

Other Skills:
World Lore
Survival Skills
High IQ


Winters is quite the odd ball. Although her past has been death ridden, she still hangs by the saying things happen for a reason. She's very lively, animated and playful. The feline in her makes for a good time when wanting to play. This, however, isn't to be sought as a weakness. Winters is a very strong, level headed, genuine person. She won't take shit if it's given to her. With a heart of gold and a steel tongue, she's one to be friends with--but not an enemy to.


Biography & Lore

The history of this Tak`Chift is very limited. The very few times she has disclosed anything of her past, has been at points of weakness or drunken slurs.

It is known that Marzia was born in the mountains of Vesturfjord, and lost her parents at a young age. She has seven siblings, and each have their own tragic passing. At the age of twelve she became the sole surviving Winters, and left Vesturfjord to attempt a new life.

A large gap in time between twelve, and twenty-two, when she resurfaced in Elbion for the first time. The young feline had grown, but scars told a story of trial and tribulation. When asked, they were associated with hunting, as her kind typically did to survive. Though, the blank expression when she would give such an answer would feel contrary.

At this time, she got into trade and selling of goods on the soft market. In the years to come, she would be seen rarely coming in and out of the markets in Elbion. A few years passed, and she found comfort in calling the large city home. Opening and running a small trading company that, for the most part, was ran by a few humans she'd recruited over the years.

Marzia seemed to obtain a simple life from the outside looking in. Though she housed a dark secret that haunted her. So with many sleepless nights riddled with nightmares, the feline put on a joyful face, and lived the standard, boring life she'd wanted.

Though, as time progressed, something told her that this mundane way of life would not last... Something was coming, and she felt it's weight as it approached.


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