Marta Maisal
Appearance and Equipment
* Short, chin-level pinkish-white hair, pink eyes, fair skin, 5'11", very lithe build. Has a slender, long pink/white insectoid abdominal tail, and lean pink/white chitin running up her back to her shoulders; mantis wings are neatly stored in this shell made of her tail and the chitin. Has unusually long fingers. Has thin antennae which protrude from her forehead.
* Wears elaborate and ornate priestly robes of white and pink, often with grandiose headwear.
* Usually armed with a staff-spear.
Skills and Abilities
Praetor Anti-Magic: Marta's form of anti-magic is remarkably unique in its application, and relies very much on forethought, planning, and preparation. By touching the forehead of a recipient, she is able to imbue them with a Mark; upon being hit with magic, the Mark is consumed and creates a shield to protect the recipient against all magic for a brief time. Unless consumed, the Marks persist for three days and then fade of their own accord. Marta cannot Mark in quick succession—a good moment must pass between applications of Marks, so Marking a whole company of warriors will take time. Marta cannot Mark herself.
Praetor Training: Not especially given to either martial or ranged combat, Marta was nonetheless trained in each. Her skill is mediocre, and more often she prefers to support others in battle.
Limited Flight: By unfurling her mantis wings from her tail and back, Marta is able to jump to advanced heights, slow her descent, and briefly hover. Physically exhausting to do this, however, in her unshifted form. Requires special clothes such that her wings are not impeded/the clothes are not destroyed.
Mantis Letai Traits: As part of Marta's Letai kin spirit, she is capable of intense, but very short, bursts of speed, primarily with her arms—but she has also been known to dodge arrows before. Her mantis antennae are used to sense magic in an area as well.
Apothecary/Healer: Augmenting her preference of support, Marta employs herbs and potions for natural remedies to ailments and as a means to mend wounds.
Praetor Training: Not especially given to either martial or ranged combat, Marta was nonetheless trained in each. Her skill is mediocre, and more often she prefers to support others in battle.
Limited Flight: By unfurling her mantis wings from her tail and back, Marta is able to jump to advanced heights, slow her descent, and briefly hover. Physically exhausting to do this, however, in her unshifted form. Requires special clothes such that her wings are not impeded/the clothes are not destroyed.
Mantis Letai Traits: As part of Marta's Letai kin spirit, she is capable of intense, but very short, bursts of speed, primarily with her arms—but she has also been known to dodge arrows before. Her mantis antennae are used to sense magic in an area as well.
Apothecary/Healer: Augmenting her preference of support, Marta employs herbs and potions for natural remedies to ailments and as a means to mend wounds.
Personality and Characteristics
* Very religious. Reverent and respectful not only of her own religion and god, but of the gods of other religions as well. Brooks no argument for the use of magic, however.
* Self-assured and zealous. Often speaks in grand and elevated tones, as if delivering sermons.
* Strategic, efficient, and outgoing, she does well in organizing large groups of people together toward a common goal.
* Highly conscientious. Very reciprocal of kindnesses and favors shown to her.
* Hates vampires, werewolves, and shapeshifters. Maintains a soft-spot for other Letai, save for Blutjägers, whom she despises.
+ Carries a deep shame of what she is, for what her father did to her mother. Deeply supportive and empathetic toward women who share similar experiences.
+ Often, without even thinking about it, holds her hands up to the level of her breast, one atop the other, very much like the stance of a praying mantis.
+ Likes cream, and all cream-based confections. And strawberries. Because of course.
+ Fascinated by physical strength, and by people with large, bulky builds. Ogres, orcs, trolls, minotaurs, the like.
+ Given to esoteric practices for the benefit of spiritual and emotional health, like "aura smudging" and "energy plucking," that latter of which she excels at.
+ Often, without even thinking about it, holds her hands up to the level of her breast, one atop the other, very much like the stance of a praying mantis.
+ Likes cream, and all cream-based confections. And strawberries. Because of course.
+ Fascinated by physical strength, and by people with large, bulky builds. Ogres, orcs, trolls, minotaurs, the like.
+ Given to esoteric practices for the benefit of spiritual and emotional health, like "aura smudging" and "energy plucking," that latter of which she excels at.
Biography and Lore
All was well for Marta Maisal's childhood, until a dark secret came to bloom when she was thirteen years old.
Adolescence for any girl is a time of great change, but the changes Marta underwent she felt to be...unnatural, and deeply was she frightened. First it happened to her fingers, which day by day grew until within a month's time they were double their original length. As her fingers were growing, so too did her tailbone grow...and grow and grow until it was no longer a human tailbone but an insectoid tail entirely of its own. Slowly could she feel the change in her back, as soft, smooth flesh became more rigid, and the texture became alien. At last she woke up to a new terror, antennae poking out of her forehead, and such was her scream of fright—for no longer had she the wherewithal to handle it, this the final straw—that her mother Varia came rushing into her room.
Marta had hidden these changes for a long time, but now Varia saw them all in full. But she was not fearful. No, her visage was one of pure empathy and expectation; she knew this day would come. And then, calmly, she sat Marta down and explained: Marta was not human, she was Letai, for Varia had been taken by a Blutjäger Letai and thereby was Marta conceived. But upon her rescue, Varia could not bear the thought of killing the child inside her, and so resolved to carry her daughter to term. Varia held Marta in a tight embrace, tearfully proclaiming that no force on Arethil could ever tarnish her love.
But she then urged Marta to be strong, for before them lay a great struggle.
Divine Intervention
Clan Maisal commanded immense influence in Gild, being the first clan of Beyars and as well their very name being bestowed of great religious significance, but even so Marta worried. She was a good girl, a faithful Jurist, but she knew how the religion, how her fellow Gildans, felt about shapeshifters—which Letai are.
Varia took Marta to the Temple of the Everburning Flame, and called upon a high priest to enroll her into the ranks of the Penitent. News of this, that a daughter of Clan Maisal was a Letai, a shapeshifter (some even called her a Jin), spread quickly all throughout Gild, and much clamor from thronging crowds was made in the Forum. Great was the division and many were the divides, every Noble or Beyar or Insan seeming to have their own discrete view of the matter. Mercy was suggested, Penitence was suggested, exile was suggested, execution was suggested. Praetors and levied troops eventually had to impose martial order on the increasingly unruly crowds. Still, time was running out for the deliberations of the Church's priesthood.
Then, as if Regel himself endeavored to set all to rights, Marta discovered her anti-magic powers, and thus were they proven by Instructors of the War College. The Church, embroiled in this delicate theological matter, could at last breathe a sigh of relief; for if Marta displayed anti-magic power, then she therefore had been chosen by Regel, in his goodness and in his mercy, and it was his will that she become a Praetor. She had been given the chance to redeem herself of her blasphemous blood by the god of Jura himself.
So the decision was made: Marta, when she came of age, was to enroll into the War College and be made a Praetor. This, however, did not absolve her of the responsibility to not blaspheme by entering her Letai Shifted form. Regel had given her the chance for greatness and virtue, but she herself could potentially squander it if she were not careful.
Marta eagerly accepted the decision of the Church, and threw herself with unparalleled enthusiasm, vigor, and zealotry into her Praetor training. She even engaged in theological studies after her Holy Accolade, becoming an ordained priestess of Jura herself.
To this day, she believes with all her heart in the truth of Jura and the divinity of Regel. And she is especially concerned with the fates of fellow Letai, believing that they, too, can be saved.
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