Marianne Goetsch
Marianne Goetsch is a proctor at the academy who is returning due to her skill set and the fact that many proctors are no longer alive after the fake graduation for the upperclassmen initiates.
Average-looking by all accounts.
Skills and Abilities
High-level telepathy: mind-reader, can communicate by transferring her thoughts to another, can project her thoughts to a group of people, can read many minds at once, can do a deep dive which allows her to traverse other’s memories as long as they remember specifically (if the person has truly forgotten she cannot see it), and her ultimate trump card: she can force her consciousness in another, locking the other’s conciousness in a place where “time and space do not exist” and can then control their body as if it were her own. The downside to this is that her real body is defenseless in a unconscious state.
Exceptional in countering when it comes to combat, and countering counters. This is due in part to her telepathy, however it does take skill to know how to effectively do this.
Exceptional in countering when it comes to combat, and countering counters. This is due in part to her telepathy, however it does take skill to know how to effectively do this.