

Biographical information
Unknown Early-Mid Forties Mobile/Nomadic
Physical description
Human male 6'4" ~200lbs Brown Blue Caucasian
Political information
Out-of-character information
Mannelig Dark Souls

Mannelig is a well travelled and veteran mercenary. He's fought and bled for countless nobles, merchant princes, petty lords, and kings and queens of all walks of life. He is skilled with most weapons, though his preference for lance and sword is evident. His blunt and seemingly indifferent nature hides a calculating mind and a soft heart tempered by years of war. His first loyalty is to his men with gold a solid second.


Mannelig is tall and broad with brown hair and blue eyes. Were it not for his weather worn features, rugged clothes, and distant stare, he could easily pass as nondescript.

Skills and Abilities

Mannelig is skilled with most traditional martial weapons from clubs to longbow, but his primary weapons of choice are the lance, the sword, and the shield. He is also a veteran rider with years of campaigning and mounted combat under his belt. While not as skilled as merchants or diplomats, he knows his way around negotiations, particularly when it comes to contract payment.


Described as cold and aloof by some or indifferent and uncaring by others, Mannelig is a quiet, reserved man. His quiet tone amid contract negotations hides a booming, commanding bellow on the battlefield and his ruthlessness on the field has been known to be tempered by mercy. He is a man who has been known to gut a bandit or foe without a second thought, yet later gives to the poor without hesitation.

Biography & Lore

Mannelig's past is only known through hearsay and rumor as the man himself is extraordinarily silent on the matter. Some say he was a young Allirian noble disowned by his family for crimes unspoken while others argue he was the heir to a merchant dynasty who spurned his inheritance for a life of adventure and glory. With each winter the stories grow ever fanciful and outlandish, yet Mannelig remains ever quiet. The only thing that is known is that Mannelig is not his true name, though that information is only known to the oldest veterans of his small band of roving mercenaries and sellswords.


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