Tiefling Form: Malphias is a tall, imposing figure. His skin is a deep violet and dark ancient runes decorate his chest and arms. His slicked back, black hair is adorned by two thick, curling horns, also scribed with runes. A prehensile tail around five foot in length follows behind him, adding to his devilish appearance. His teeth are sharp and pointed, as are the claws that arm his blackened fingertips, and his eyes are solid red orbs. He was the product of the union of an infernal creature, and a human, as are all tieflings, and his human features are simply beautiful.
Human form (illusion): Malphias' height and imposing manner does not change whilst under the illusion of a simple human, nor does his black hair. His claws, tail, horns and sharp teeth are hidden away however and his skin is a pale Caucasian, and his eyes are a striking blue. He is exceedingly handsome and takes a great deal of pride in his appearance.
Malphias is generally armed with a sword and two smaller daggers. His clothes are rich and well fitted, adding to his charm whilst enjoying the act of a nobleman. He adores shiny trinkets, and his services of mind manipulation can be easily bought for the right price.
Human form (illusion): Malphias' height and imposing manner does not change whilst under the illusion of a simple human, nor does his black hair. His claws, tail, horns and sharp teeth are hidden away however and his skin is a pale Caucasian, and his eyes are a striking blue. He is exceedingly handsome and takes a great deal of pride in his appearance.
Malphias is generally armed with a sword and two smaller daggers. His clothes are rich and well fitted, adding to his charm whilst enjoying the act of a nobleman. He adores shiny trinkets, and his services of mind manipulation can be easily bought for the right price.
Skills and Abilities
Malphias has excellent ability with a sword, he has some abilities with blood magic, however his real talents lie in his abilities in mind manipulation. He is often hired for these abilities, should any require to torment their enemies into insanity. Malphias is able to grip hold of a person's mind, and make it re-live it's worst memories, or imagine it's worst fears and nightmares, and step into that world with them if he chooses to.
He has made a bit of a hobby of twisting the minds of pure souls and leading them on a more sinister path of destruction and ultimately, self destruction. It’s gratifying to Malphias to see the torment in an innocent person driven to murder, it’s his favourite game to play.
Downfalls : With a drop of Malphias' blood, Malphias can be summoned. It is obviously a major inconvenience, and something he would rather avoid and does not publicly wish to promote. It can also, if practised, be used to hold control over Malphias in blood bond. Another little secret he'd prefer to keep to himself. So far he has been bound to only one, a rather powerful mage who summons Malphias now and then to torture people for information.
He has made a bit of a hobby of twisting the minds of pure souls and leading them on a more sinister path of destruction and ultimately, self destruction. It’s gratifying to Malphias to see the torment in an innocent person driven to murder, it’s his favourite game to play.
Downfalls : With a drop of Malphias' blood, Malphias can be summoned. It is obviously a major inconvenience, and something he would rather avoid and does not publicly wish to promote. It can also, if practised, be used to hold control over Malphias in blood bond. Another little secret he'd prefer to keep to himself. So far he has been bound to only one, a rather powerful mage who summons Malphias now and then to torture people for information.
Malphias is cunning and conniving overall, though he has a flirtatious nature and enjoys a good time as much as any other tiefling. Malphias is a sadomasochist, he enjoys pain but equally feeds on the pain of others. He is exceptionally vane, admiring his appearance in many a shiny surface and taking pride in his appearance. Malphias has a taste for flesh, and prays on most beings, though his addiction lies in far blood and certain venoms. He is cheeky and charming, most of the time, and enjoys causing a little chaos here and there, thus has been dubbed a demon of torment.