Maleagant is wanted in certain parts of the world east of Alliria for various crimes, such as: larceny, public intoxication, subverting the natural order through use of foul magic, and sumptuary code violations.
Maleagant looks like a normal person with the unfortunate status of a vagrant and the unfortunate occupation of adventurer.
Skills and Abilities
Maleagant has received a varied education. He is familiar with calligraphy and rune magic. He is familiar with lens crafting, though out of practice. He is skilled in the obscure art of spectromancy, but not as much as he would like to be.
Through years of hardship, he has familiarized himself with the best ways to swing a mace, stab a knife, and ride a horse. He is far from an ideal combatant, mounted or otherwise.
Maleagant prizes learning, curiosity, and dynamic experimentation among all things. The laws governing reality and magic are so very important to all things. That’s why they should be regularly stress-tested.
There have been several instances in which Maleagant did not oblige a request to “do something!” or “stop that thing!” because watching the process unfold was of greater interest.
Nobody has died as a result of this, in case you worry about that sort of thing.
Maleagant considers himself rather unlucky, as his favored methods of spectromantic research are often considered at odds with what is “conducive to the maintenance of public good”, “legal”, and/or “inoffensive to religious authorities”.
Maleagant often references a personal code of conduct. These references are typically followed by a violation of this code and an explanation as to why exceptions should sometimes be made.