Maheau One-Ear

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Maheau One-Ear is a forteen years old thief, lost and far from home, who firmly believes better days will come for her. She dreams to become a great hero once, because one rich lady told her something nice a night Maheau saved her from wolf. She's wandering across cities, half-starving, hoping to find a instructor, a quest or a fight that will reveal her true destiny. After all, she's the only one of her eleven brothers and sisters who was born with a connection with magic. Even if she looks very naive and vulnerable she's tought, knows how to survive and has a very strong will which kept her alive until now, and she's fearless. She fights with a wood-stick she has found in some ditch. She's covered in muddy rags, but she has two amazing red shiny boots.

Name: Maheau One-Ear
Bithplace: Mudal
Race: Human
Age: 14
Occupation: Thief, tramp, mercenary
Skin: Tan
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Green, but often gummed up or yellowish due to illness


Maheau One-Ear is far from being a beauty. She's a small, brown, skinny, and insignificant human girl, often mistaken for a boy or an anorexic dwarf. She has one-ear -obviously-, a big fat peasant nose and a large mouth with strongs teeth which allow her to eat whatever she finds on the road. Her eyes are always redish and yellow, all gummed-up, but they're almost the most watchable thing on her face. She looks ill and underfed most of the time but it doesn't provide her to smile to everyone like a happy dumb princess, looking hungry for adventures and desesperately enthousiastic over any new encounter. But if you stare at her long enough, you will see a terrifying spark of inteligence and mischief behind her dumb and dirty face. Maybe you should be careful, after all, even if she doesnt looks like very dreadly. Even if you're not curious or attentive, you will notive that even if she's covered in rags and smell terrible, she has the finest red shinny boots you've ever seen, with splendids cian buttons, perfectly polished every day - no matter the weather. Whenever she looks a little bit sad or tired, she drop her head to her boots, watch them, and smile again, like if they had some magic happiness power.

Skills and Abilities

- Fire magic


Maheau One-Year strongly believe she's up to an amazing destiny. She doesn't know precisely what's this destiny could be, but she feels she will do something meaningful, like to save the world or to become a famous warrior, or rich, or a rich famous warrior. She's always open to new adventures, searching for the glowing meaning of her life. She's strong, physically and mentally, and very impressed by rich people. They must be very virtuous to own so much things! She doesn't like to cry to much -waste of water, as her mother always said- so she tried to not think to much about her feelings or the justice or god or if the world is truly a good place. She prefers to repeat to herself some things she knows for sure: people in golden silk need you and will recognize the great hero you will be, you're the greatest mercenary of all times. She repeat it, more fiercely when the night is darker than the usual. She's a bit affraid of men. And she doesn't have a problem with being a thief to survive: she knows she will pay the merchants back one day, when her destiny will be furfil and her purse full of gold. She is convinced she will not die before that, which can make her a bit wreckless.

Biography & Lore

Maheau was born in a poor farm, far in an muddy country, with stamps everywhere, regularly invade by one lord or an other, or destroy by some monster or tribe - her mother and sisters had all been rape by differents tribes trough the years and even if she looks naive Maheau knows what a single orc, dwarf or man can do to a woman. When her parents discovered she was able to light small candles and had little fires playfully following her like puppies when it was dark they forbade her to ever use that filthy magic again. She obeyed for many years, but one night, a lady from Alliria and her husband and horses were attacked by wolves near the farm. Horrified to see a lady and a lord covered in golden silk treatened by such blood-thirsty creatures, the parents of Maheau order her to rescue the elegant lady by all means. A bit rusty but thrilled to finally used her powers for a greater purpose, Maheau light a fire (kind of small I have to confess) and push it clumsily against the wolves. It wasn't much but it was enough, the wolves fleed and the lord and lady understood they had to make a gesture if they didn't want the smelly peasant-girl to follow them to Alliria in order to explain how she saved them from a terrible death. Hopefully, the lady came with an easy gift: her snow-boots that she will no need back to the palace and she offered them to the smelly girl with a kind word: "you have something into your eyes that remind me of a great hero I once met." To be honest, it was dark and the lady couldn't properly watch the dirty face of Maheau. But three years later, Maheau was still telling the story of "the golden lady who said Maheau was going to be a great legendary hero real soon" at every meals. And even it there wasn't that much meals in the farm, her mother told her that she should become this great legendary hero right now or live. Inable to become a hero in a country farm and after some toughts and tears, Maheau decided to live. Several of her younger sisters were waiting for babies anyway and she would have to mary some jerk from an other farm to own the right to stay. She didn't know much but she knew a great legendary hero could hardly bear a child, take care of a husband and make a meal for thirteen with three carots. So she took her red shinny boots and hit the City. On the day of the departure, while Maheau was crying, her mother gave her a little doll she made from tigs she found. Maheau kept it for one or two days, holding to it to not weep too hard when she felt lonely, but then realised red shinny boots helped her way more than the doll -who was almost broken anyway. She left the little doll behind her, telling her she could cry for both, it would be easier that way.

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