Macenis Domitian

Macenis Domitian

Biographical information
Allir Reach Mid-Late 30's
Physical description
Human Male 6'4" 250lbs. Black Amber Caucasian
Political information
Adventurer; Explorer
Out-of-character information


Tall. Muscular. Well groomed. Macenis has a fighters grace and a predatory gaze that's often accompanied by a welcoming smile. He keeps his dark hair long, tying it back when social decorum demands but otherwise allowing it to hang freely. As a contrast his beard is usually thick but neatly trimmed. He has several small scars on the left side of his face above the cheekbone, one of which runs back over his ear. The scars are a reminder of his youth, a time when he was less experienced.

Macenis's mother was Norden, his father an Allirian which accounts for his large size and muscular physique while his features remain a mixture of both heritages.

Skills and Abilities

At home in the cold - Due to his mixed heritage Macenis finds cold weather comforting. He's not as hardy as a Norden born in the Eretejva Tundra but icy blood still runs in his veins. In anything but extremely low temperatures he could be comfortable in a minimal amount of clothing.

A Sword in my hand or anything else for that matter... - While his formal training extends to the use of a sword Macenis is skilled with a variety of weapons to varying degrees. He's capable of brutality when pushed to the limit or threatened.

Gift of the Skinwalker - Years ago, as a younger man Macenis was shipwrecked on Aina O Ka La where he survived on his own for months. He learned to adapt and blend in with the jungle on the tropical islands but he was still captured by a resident tribe of Nazrani eventually. Macenis escaped, freeing a Shaman from another tribe in the process. The Shaman taught Macenis the art of Skinwalking as thanks. As a Skinwalker Macenis may consume the blood of animals, taking it into himself before adopting the traits of the beasts whose blood he's drank. Claws, teeth, camouflage it's entirely dependant on the animal. Macenis can assume the traits for as long as the blood is in his system which usually equates to several days.


Brave. Bold. Cunning. Intellectual. Deceitful. Loyal. All of these that could be used to describe Macenis depending of who you are and what your relationship with him is. He loves his friends and hates his enemies.

Biography & Lore

An Adventurer. He's seen the Islands of Aina O Ka La, the Mountains of the Spine, the Dessert of Amol-Kalit, the Jungles of the Ixchel Wilds and the Tundra of Eretejva. He could be anywhere, doing anything. Fate made him wealthy but Macenis is equally at home inside of an Inn as he is on an Estate.


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