Write a summary paragraph about your character here
A handsome man with eyes that look dead. Hardly expresses any sort of emotions.
Skills and Abilities
Lysander’s magic relies on force. Specifically, to push and to pull. He expels force by thinking, very similar to telekinesis, what he wishes happens. He has limitations on what he can do. He can push straight ahead or to the side, and he can only pull things to himself. He can push for miles if he so chose to do so, and pull whatever he sees to himself as long as he sees it when he initially makes that connection.
Force comes from Lysander and seems to rely on his vision. His force can transverse miles, of course, the greater the distance or the larger/stronger the force, the more magic that gets expelled from Lysander.
A very unique skill Lysander has mastered at the early age of 12 was to never expel more magic than was needed. Proctors noted this to be a sign of genius as it meant that Lysander seemed to have more stamina than his classmates when in reality his preservation of magic outclassed even some of his teachers.
Prefers weapons were he can duel wield. Likes to get in close when in a fight and will use his force to either push him close to an opponent or to pull them to himself.
Force comes from Lysander and seems to rely on his vision. His force can transverse miles, of course, the greater the distance or the larger/stronger the force, the more magic that gets expelled from Lysander.
A very unique skill Lysander has mastered at the early age of 12 was to never expel more magic than was needed. Proctors noted this to be a sign of genius as it meant that Lysander seemed to have more stamina than his classmates when in reality his preservation of magic outclassed even some of his teachers.
Prefers weapons were he can duel wield. Likes to get in close when in a fight and will use his force to either push him close to an opponent or to pull them to himself.
Lysander has a very dull personality, mostly because his powers have been shown to be heavily tied to his emotions. To exercise the utmost control over his particular magic he must have supreme control of his emotions. That being said, he does show moments of mild anger, surprise, or content.
Despite not being the most talkative or expressive person, he does have a strong sense of duty. Rather resilient with a strong sense of self that annoyed many proctors at his time in the academy.
Despite not being the most talkative or expressive person, he does have a strong sense of duty. Rather resilient with a strong sense of self that annoyed many proctors at his time in the academy.
Biography & Lore
Kalix is his younger half-brother. While Kalix doesn’t remember his father, Lysander does. Their mother was a “seamstress” but shunned for having two sons and being unmarried. They lived on the edge of town, often struggling to live decently, especially in the winter. Lysander hates the cold and in the academy, ice and freezing was a common punishment for him.
The most extreme punishment Lysander had was when they harmed Kalix in front of him, if they hadn’t restricted his magic, some say he would have had the academy crumble to pieces. After seeing that his brother could be used against him, Lysander became a much more diligent student. Less outspoken, willing to kill whoever as long as it meant Kalix would not be harmed again.
Supported the revolution. Duh.
The most extreme punishment Lysander had was when they harmed Kalix in front of him, if they hadn’t restricted his magic, some say he would have had the academy crumble to pieces. After seeing that his brother could be used against him, Lysander became a much more diligent student. Less outspoken, willing to kill whoever as long as it meant Kalix would not be harmed again.
Supported the revolution. Duh.