Lyra Deathtongue

Lyra Deathtongue

Biographical information
Alliria 25 Alliria
Physical description
Goblin Female Short Average Black Glowing Green Green
Political information
Out-of-character information
Kerathari 14/05/2022 Made in Heroforge

A plucky young goblin woman raised in the city of Alliria by her adoptive mother, Lyra is a powerful, yet surprisingly noble necromancer. While her magics are dark, her goals are generally heroic, as she seeks to do her upmost to defend her home.


A pretty young goblin woman in her mid-twenties, Lyra sports long, well groomed black hair, shaved on one side while left to grow down on the other. She possesses a feminine, yet relatively athletic physique, and tends to show such off rather often with her liberal fashion sense. She often wear rather gothic make-up, with black eyeliner and matching lipstick.

Skills and Abilities

A powerful necromancer, Lyra is well versed in the arts of raising the dead, as well as wielding potent death magic offensively in combat. She's also highly literate and able to speak and read several languages, including the Human tongue, Elven, Goblinoid and Orcish.


For a necromancer, Lyra is surprisingly cheerful and friendly to strangers, and quite happy to talk about her work and research if asked. She's also very charitable and heroic, and will not hesitate to defend those who cannot defend themselves. In contrast, however, she has no qualms raising an army of the dead to fight her enemies should one incur her wrath by harming her or those she cares about.

Biography & Lore

Born the daughter of a pair of tribal goblins dwelling in the forests outside Alliria, Lyra's parents were butchered by bandits while she was still a baby. Before she could meet this tragic fate herself, however, she was saved by a female human necromancer who'd happened upon the helpless child just in the knick of time. After dealing with the bandits, the woman decided to adopt Lyra, bringing her back to her estate in Alliria and raising the girl as if she were her own flesh and blood.

When she came of age, her adoptive mother taught her everything she knew about the arts of necromancy and other magical lore, skills she quickly grew to master over the course of her training. Lyra now seeks to ply these darker magics for the greater good and defense of her home.


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