Lucia Jestermine
A fair young maiden, lean built and agile as a doe but with none of a swan’s grace. Brushed up, she can dress the part of a lady of gentle birth, but Lucia always preferred to dress practically and is not fussed about getting a bit of dirt on her boots or under her nails. Known to wear and tear her tunics, she often wears tied vests and bodices to compensate for an ill fit, preferring leather or hide breeches over skirts. Slipped down her right boot or sheathed at her belt, Lucia never goes anywhere without her dagger. She often wears her long, golden hair in braids. Her most striking feature are her piercing blue eyes.
Skills and Abilities
Compensating for her dyslexia, Lucia has a sharp mind and quick wit. What she struggles to put into writing, she draws with a trained talent and an eye for detail. She is quick to learn and pick up new minor skills through observing others, be it pick-pocketing from thieves or trapping from hunters. And sometimes she gets by through sheer improvisation.
What she lacks in brute strength and swordsmanship, she compensates with agility, endurance and even cheap brawler tricks. Though she was trained in archery, she prefers and puts her trust in her skills with daggers.
As a daughter of a mage, Lucia grew up with magic, learning the basics of spell casting. But since she never properly studied or trained in the arts, the use of her limited knowledge can as often cause greater damage than be of use to her.
Lucia has a voracious appetite to explore, learn and experience things, thus finding it hard to settle anywhere for long periods of time. Curious and imaginative, she has a desire to find out and learn about all there is to this world. Loving a bit of fun and excitement, this daredevil's quick wit has both entertained people and gotten her out of trouble with just a few scrapes... at least so far. While a free spirit and flirt, she avoids growing attached to people in a romantic sense, fearful love would be her downfall.
Biography & Lore
Lucia was born into an interracial marriage, between an elven mage and his beloved human wife. She was raised in a wealthy household, wanting for nothing, and dotted upon by the servants, well loved by her parents as their only child. Had she not suffered from severe dyslexia, her father might have allowed his daughter to pursue academics. When she could not read any of the hundreds of hundreds of books in the manor’s library, every night her mother would sing songs or tell her daughter tales and stories. Inspired by them, instead of sewing and dancing, Lucia grew up riding and playing adventurer: Seeking lost treasures and fighting dragons. Only she never wanted to be maiden in need of rescue, but the hero who slew the dragon or other beast, often played by her father himself. He was an important man with many responsibilities yet made time for his daughter. He was an adoring father, his love for her second to only the deep love he bore his wife.
That is why a cold darkness fell over their household, when Lucia’s mother died when Lucia was still young. The loss was too much for her father to bare, the great man broken as his heart broke. And slowly, his mind it seemed started to crumble as well. Some days weighed down by the heavy burden of his sorrow into apathy or speaking to shadows when haunted by the ghost of her mother. But as Lucia was growing up to be a young woman in her mother’s spitting image, her father’s attention returned to her. Fearing her father’s growing madness, fearing he might keep her locked away like a bird in a cage to keep her safe, keep her close – Lucia ran away from home.
She wanted a life that was her own, experience for herself the things and see the places she’d been told through bedtime stories. And her ambition: To become the greatest adventurer there ever was, to do something extraordinary worthy of a saga for bards to sing and to be written down in the chronicles by those who could write.
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