Lokhuil Axehand
Lokhuil is a thick stocky dwarf, like most of his kind, his arms especially look like tree trunks. He has full shoulder-length red hair and a well-braided long beard most of the time. At 98 he's an adult for his race but not an old one, as dwarves live to be two or three hundred. There is a weathered look to him though, like he's spent a lot of years in the wash of the ocean and under the beating sun, either at the port, on small ships searching vessels for contraband, or on the ocean itself.
Usually in plate armor, and often carrying an oversized axe. Clan Axehand unsurprisingly prides itself on its axe designs, and there are often detailed markings on each one, naming the weaponsmith, where the metal came from, and if known its list of owners on the grip.
Usually in plate armor, and often carrying an oversized axe. Clan Axehand unsurprisingly prides itself on its axe designs, and there are often detailed markings on each one, naming the weaponsmith, where the metal came from, and if known its list of owners on the grip.
Skills and Abilities
- Adept with axes, especially two-handed ones.
- Average with Maces, he can use them in a pinch.
- Average at Weaponsmithing, he has a passing interest in the craftsmanship of fine axes.
- Skill at Inscription, part of spotting forged goods is knowing the art.
- Adept at investigation and the identification of contraband.
- Skilled in Field Medicine, able to stabilize wounds in the field and treat standard poisons or toxins.
- Average at Horseriding, though he hates it, he can ride a suitably sized horse.
- Grumpy, he can easily offend people.
- Drinks too much.
- Heavy Sleeper, takes a minotaur yelling at him to wake him up.
- Not a morning person, tends to have less energy in the morning.
- Especially Tough. This dwarf can take a hit or three.
Lokhuil is a stereotypical dwarf in many ways, drinks a lot, grunts a lot, and stares stoically at people. Unlike his clan or the stereotypes, much of his time is spent investigating others, which gives him a certain methodical and slower-paced nature. Quiet often he'll be sitting there thinking, not saying a word, either that or grumbling about the day he just had, probably one followed by the other.
Biography & Lore
Clan Axehand are renowned smiths, true to their name and place within dwarven society. They live mostly in Alliria, with a few living in Oakvale, and the others around the major dwarven holds in the spine. Lokhuil grew up in this fine tradition of axecraft, also learning the art of detailed inscription to properly identify the axes as was the clan's custom.
Inscription really took his eye as a younger dwarf, he'd spend many days practicing and inscribing metal, stone or wood for the clan. There was a somewhat famous case in Alliria when he was visiting regarding a noble's blade. It turns out that when that Elbion noble brought the blade in for repair, Lokhuil spotted the forgery of the family crest on the handle. While the Elbion noble was both embarrassed and furious to be carrying a fake heirloom, the authorities took an interest in the young dwarf and offered him a job.
Over the years Lokhuil has made a name for himself around the port and as a customs agent. It struck the right balance between investigation, and working with a rougher crowd he can relate to, while still sleeping comfortably in the inner city itself. He often works with a trader and middleman named Andwise Tunnelly, the halfling tinkerer has a mostly upstanding reputation and even if it was less so, Lokhuil believes in keeping tabs on all well-known city traders that regularly deal with imports or exports.
Inscription really took his eye as a younger dwarf, he'd spend many days practicing and inscribing metal, stone or wood for the clan. There was a somewhat famous case in Alliria when he was visiting regarding a noble's blade. It turns out that when that Elbion noble brought the blade in for repair, Lokhuil spotted the forgery of the family crest on the handle. While the Elbion noble was both embarrassed and furious to be carrying a fake heirloom, the authorities took an interest in the young dwarf and offered him a job.
Over the years Lokhuil has made a name for himself around the port and as a customs agent. It struck the right balance between investigation, and working with a rougher crowd he can relate to, while still sleeping comfortably in the inner city itself. He often works with a trader and middleman named Andwise Tunnelly, the halfling tinkerer has a mostly upstanding reputation and even if it was less so, Lokhuil believes in keeping tabs on all well-known city traders that regularly deal with imports or exports.