Lily Sophia Montgomery
Lily was born and raised in Alliria. Her father was an elf, her mother a human. The home she grew up in was exemplary and a mixed couple acquiring such wealth was only possible in a place as progressive as Alliria. She had little to want for as a girl and took a keen interest in reading and study.
Upon her sixteenth birthday she elected to attend one of the most prestigious Universities within Alliria where she excelled and graduated early. Mere weeks after her graduation she was offered a position at The Allirian Account which was a new kind of newspaper seeking to tell the stories and tales from all across Arethil.
The scholar accepted the opportunity swiftly and after being taught how to use Portal Stones and sitting through several geography lessons she began documenting the cultures, ideas, and current events going on throughout the world. She has distinguished herself as being one of the most fair and measured writers within the paper and many readers compliment her style of trying to remain factual and unbiased.
The Allirian Account itself is made possible through the work of numerous journalists reporting and writing articles which are then transcribed and copied using a vast office of enchantments. Once the copies are created they are distributed by couriers far and wide though their primary audience tends to be Alliria due purely to constraints in geography. Even so, there are readers from as far away as Amol-Kalit to Vel Anir. From the merchants of Elbion to the walls of Molthal and even parts of the Eretejva Tundra. For this reason the Account hires a diverse staff of humans, elves, orcs, dwarves, kivren, and anything in between.
Skills and Abilities
All journalists of the Allirian Account are provided with an enchanted armlet. This armlet contains a multiple compartments which house a near endless supply of parchment, ink, and lightweight quills for writing. In addition, the armlet has an enchanted illumination gemstone which can be activated and de-activated by a simple touch. The armlet also contains a very non-enchanted compass as well as a removable flint firestarter which is only useful for lighting a campfire.
Lily herself is a very well read and educated individual. She prizes journalistic integrity above all else and seeks to understand the various cultures and world around her. This tends to lead her to getting in over her head or underestimating just how dangerous a situation may be.
Physically she is weak, she has no experience with combat, and the only magic she knows is a simple spell that causes seeds to grow rapidly. It's mostly only useful to show off at a tavern.

Lily on assignment in The Spine.