Raised as a potential weapon by her father, Liadrin rebelled against her father, and now ponders where she belongs, though she is hardly found far from her Reda.

Standing at five foot eight, this woman's eyes have a pale color to them, and her skin looks almost porsaline. Her attire looks out of shape, and to a stranger, her eyes seem to be studying your every movement. She wears a leather jerkin, and has at least two swords hanging from her hip. Her bare arms show a degree of musculature that is unnatural, and when her mood turns sours there is a strange hum in the air.
Liadrin is....off, and certainly out of place within the land she calls home. Don't ask about it however, she isn't one for telling the tale.
Skills and Abilities
Sword Master- Liadrin has trained with swords more than any other weapon, and for her it feels as if it as much apart of her as her own limbs.
The Truth- Liadrin's father drilled and tormented her, trying to control her into suppressing her emotions, all so she could better harness the power of The Truth. While she can only use it in a very limited fashion, she has found greater success in using her weapons as a focus.
Arcane Prodigy- Like many of her people, Liadrin is very skilled with magic, though she tends to focus on blending her magic with her sword play.
Writer and Poet- Liadrin writes poems and stories to express herself, something she tries to keep others from knowing. Her skill is...okay if you ask her, not that she'd ever let someone read it.
The Truth- Liadrin's father drilled and tormented her, trying to control her into suppressing her emotions, all so she could better harness the power of The Truth. While she can only use it in a very limited fashion, she has found greater success in using her weapons as a focus.
Arcane Prodigy- Like many of her people, Liadrin is very skilled with magic, though she tends to focus on blending her magic with her sword play.
Writer and Poet- Liadrin writes poems and stories to express herself, something she tries to keep others from knowing. Her skill is...okay if you ask her, not that she'd ever let someone read it.
Doesn't speak often.
Doesn't speak often.
Biography & Lore
Born into a cruel world, Liadrin wasn't blessed when it came to her parents. The offspring of a sickly mother and a cruel father, the young girl was lambasted with abuse to fuel the ambitions of her parents. Liadrin's father believed that if one started young enough, their power could be honed to an intense extent. What her father truly desired however, was to have mastery over the Truth, a source of magic his fractured mental state prevented him from using.
Hearing the key to using such a power was emotionally withdraw, Liadrin's father sought to emotionally suppress his father, using magic and cruelty to keep the girls emotions in check, until she became emotionless and unresponsive to his erratic behavior. This would eventually lead to his downfall however. As Liadrin's power grew, so too did her fathers control, and with it he began to disclose his intentions for her. Hearing what her father wished to do with her powers, and the reason for her upbringing being as harsh as it was, the end result was obvious. Leaving the shattered and dissolved body of her father behind, Liadrin was left alone in the world, and spent a time trying to find a place for herself.
Hearing the key to using such a power was emotionally withdraw, Liadrin's father sought to emotionally suppress his father, using magic and cruelty to keep the girls emotions in check, until she became emotionless and unresponsive to his erratic behavior. This would eventually lead to his downfall however. As Liadrin's power grew, so too did her fathers control, and with it he began to disclose his intentions for her. Hearing what her father wished to do with her powers, and the reason for her upbringing being as harsh as it was, the end result was obvious. Leaving the shattered and dissolved body of her father behind, Liadrin was left alone in the world, and spent a time trying to find a place for herself.
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