Leofsige Burtone
The Burtone boy's leaving home? Ha! Told you he'd leave someday dear. But don't be sad about it. There's little here for him to do besides waste his talents or try to keep you lot from trouble like he used to.
The lad can do good for everyone with them Knights. Wouldn't do to make a scene saying yer goodbyes. Besides, I thought you liked that Freidrick boy?
A life of hard labor shows in broad shoulders and a walk that brings with it self-assurance. Granted the boy also enjoys his food, and it shows in the slight stomach that hides the top of his belts.
Leofsige, or as most call him Leo, can usually be seen leaning against a fence post with a cheery grin as he talks about the day and what's next on his mind. Gesturing with his hands as he paints a picture that most anyone could imagine with both voice and body. As well used as his hands are from farming, carpentry, and other labors, it is said his hands are soft like worn leather.
The rich tan given by toiling under the sun reaches down to his hips and up to his lower thighs, as he seldom let's the sun chase him from his work.
His eyes hold a mirth with the sunburst of orange inside the earthy color of his gaze. As if perpetually amused by something. Seldom does he ever seem saddened by any sort of news, but it is readily apparent when something does weigh on him. His squared shoulders usually hung and his back hunched as if to ward off further ill.
Stocky as an ox, and able to lift considerable amounts, Leo is missed by his community during the times of labor intensive seasons.
Leofsige, or as most call him Leo, can usually be seen leaning against a fence post with a cheery grin as he talks about the day and what's next on his mind. Gesturing with his hands as he paints a picture that most anyone could imagine with both voice and body. As well used as his hands are from farming, carpentry, and other labors, it is said his hands are soft like worn leather.
The rich tan given by toiling under the sun reaches down to his hips and up to his lower thighs, as he seldom let's the sun chase him from his work.
His eyes hold a mirth with the sunburst of orange inside the earthy color of his gaze. As if perpetually amused by something. Seldom does he ever seem saddened by any sort of news, but it is readily apparent when something does weigh on him. His squared shoulders usually hung and his back hunched as if to ward off further ill.
Stocky as an ox, and able to lift considerable amounts, Leo is missed by his community during the times of labor intensive seasons.
Skills and Abilities
Spear and Shield - The son of a guard, he was given the basic drilling of combat throughout his life, and perhaps had seen himself taking his fathers position as a member of the militia. Surprisingly accurate throwing them as well.
Healing Magic - While not terrifically skilled yet, he is learning to focus his ability to move beyond simple cuts and torn muscles.
Animal Friend - Aside from toiling away in the fields, it became an equally common sight for Leo to be brushing the horses and meandering with the cows. Even sparing the fox that had raided the chicken coop and taking it well away from the village and releasing it instead of simply disposing of the animal.
Jack-of-All-Trades - Be it tending the land, repairing a building, seeing to the livestock or horses, even dabbling in some ferrying duties, Leo has likely done a bit of this or that in his daily life within his community. While not perfect, it got a passing grade by most everyone.
Cooking - Born of curiosity and the want to help, alongside his appetite, he learned from any willing to share their knowledge on the topic. Skilled mostly with stews and quick meals.
Healing Magic - While not terrifically skilled yet, he is learning to focus his ability to move beyond simple cuts and torn muscles.
Animal Friend - Aside from toiling away in the fields, it became an equally common sight for Leo to be brushing the horses and meandering with the cows. Even sparing the fox that had raided the chicken coop and taking it well away from the village and releasing it instead of simply disposing of the animal.
Jack-of-All-Trades - Be it tending the land, repairing a building, seeing to the livestock or horses, even dabbling in some ferrying duties, Leo has likely done a bit of this or that in his daily life within his community. While not perfect, it got a passing grade by most everyone.
Cooking - Born of curiosity and the want to help, alongside his appetite, he learned from any willing to share their knowledge on the topic. Skilled mostly with stews and quick meals.
Described by most everyone from his community as affable and even tempered. Unless someone else is under direct threat of harm, they've never seen Leo become angry.
In the same note, it has been said he is quite gullible. Perhaps even going so far as to say easily fooled. This does not spoil his mood however, and views it as a chance to learn and allow others to grow from their choices. Carrying himself with confidence earned through his work, he does not allow this self confidence to serve as anything more than inspiration for either himself or others.
The word clever however has never been attributed to him, as many even seem to hesitate to mention it in his presence.
Fair minded in his ways, he expresses himself as easily as one might breath. As a whole, he nears honest to a fault in his dealings. Sometimes to the opposite effect of his intention to help given his stubborn nature.
In the same note, it has been said he is quite gullible. Perhaps even going so far as to say easily fooled. This does not spoil his mood however, and views it as a chance to learn and allow others to grow from their choices. Carrying himself with confidence earned through his work, he does not allow this self confidence to serve as anything more than inspiration for either himself or others.
The word clever however has never been attributed to him, as many even seem to hesitate to mention it in his presence.
Fair minded in his ways, he expresses himself as easily as one might breath. As a whole, he nears honest to a fault in his dealings. Sometimes to the opposite effect of his intention to help given his stubborn nature.
Biography & Lore
The son of Lothlin and Heather Burtone, a town guard and a beekeeper, Leofsige learned from an early age the importance of community.
Even as a child, it was seen that he was highly attentive to those around him. Minding the other kids and trying to keep them out of trouble with his limited reasoning skills if they had a mind to listen. Always seeking to help those around him, he picked up the habit of watching others work before offering to assist them. Usually in the fields or alongside the local carpenter that lived in town. Continuing into his teen years and becoming quite dexterous, his father began to earnestly run him through drills that Lothlin had been instructed with.
As with most of the children within the town, he enjoyed playing in the woods and making up stories to act out with the others his age. From awe inspiring battles with fallen sticks as though defending a great castle from seige, to playing at being Nobles in Alir. The friendships with other kids were made and broken however through their later years as more and more the others began to act rebellious, wanting to be their own person.
Often feeling ostracized for his willingness to remain what many of his former friends considered a child at heart.
His parents assured him they would come around in time, and many a talks over dinner were had about how he might reconnect with them. Not bothered any longer by the loss of his friendships, he continued to do as he felt, and always kept a watchful eye on those he still wanted to see come into their own given time. Even when they would send him off with heated words, he did not stop trying to help them, and slowly began to find his circle returning. Even being busy with trying to mend his relationships, Leo grew as his own person.
Becoming a reliable figure within his community even at a young age for his willingness to help. Leo continued to act as the town helper well into the stage where many of the young in town began to pick their trade of choice.
Even as a child, it was seen that he was highly attentive to those around him. Minding the other kids and trying to keep them out of trouble with his limited reasoning skills if they had a mind to listen. Always seeking to help those around him, he picked up the habit of watching others work before offering to assist them. Usually in the fields or alongside the local carpenter that lived in town. Continuing into his teen years and becoming quite dexterous, his father began to earnestly run him through drills that Lothlin had been instructed with.
As with most of the children within the town, he enjoyed playing in the woods and making up stories to act out with the others his age. From awe inspiring battles with fallen sticks as though defending a great castle from seige, to playing at being Nobles in Alir. The friendships with other kids were made and broken however through their later years as more and more the others began to act rebellious, wanting to be their own person.
Often feeling ostracized for his willingness to remain what many of his former friends considered a child at heart.
His parents assured him they would come around in time, and many a talks over dinner were had about how he might reconnect with them. Not bothered any longer by the loss of his friendships, he continued to do as he felt, and always kept a watchful eye on those he still wanted to see come into their own given time. Even when they would send him off with heated words, he did not stop trying to help them, and slowly began to find his circle returning. Even being busy with trying to mend his relationships, Leo grew as his own person.
Becoming a reliable figure within his community even at a young age for his willingness to help. Leo continued to act as the town helper well into the stage where many of the young in town began to pick their trade of choice.
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