Kyver is a human male that lives in the Age of Chronicles. He leads a party of four other members as they travel around the world of Arethil.
Kyver was likely born near the year 350.
The first record of his party beginning expeditions is from an Allirian guild ledger dated at the year 365. The record describes Kyver and his party accepting an open job to clear out a nearby infestation of goblins. Kyver and his group succeeded.
Another record from 367 comes from a mage guild at Elbion. It gives details about Kyver and his group making a journey to a nearby ancient temple to claim a magic artifact rumored to be hidden within it. Kyver returned with the requested item and claimed his reward.
Personality and traits
Kyver is loyal to his companions and party. Using records of their minor deeds, there is evidence that shows that the party has remained the same since the year 365.
In addition, there is no record showing that Kyver failed to complete a contract - for inability or by abandoning it. Knowing this, Kyver has begun to leverage this reputation in cities that his party has worked in before.
In addition, there is no record showing that Kyver failed to complete a contract - for inability or by abandoning it. Knowing this, Kyver has begun to leverage this reputation in cities that his party has worked in before.
Powers and abilities
Kyver's primary combat style is similar to battle mages across Arethil. He uses a one-handed sword as his primary weapon and mixes magic with his physical, melee attacks.
The magic Kyver wields in combat is simplistic. It normally manipulates the fewest physical variables necessary to achieve the intended effect and normally exchanges energy in the environment for the spell. He will also use magic to telekinetically manipulate his sword.
The gaunlet on Kyver's left hand displays some magical properties. It may glow occasionally as Kyver uses magic. In addition, Kyver can channel a bolt of energy through the gauntlet and use it akin to a bow and arrow.