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Kingdom of Cintria
Ysira Anireth
Artorius et Orion
Castle Odon
Summary of Common Knowledge
Fame: Regional Power
The ancient kingdom of Cintria, broken apart during King Gerchan's early crusades, has lain dormant for many years until recently restored by the Great King Ysira; forged through iron and raw character. It stands the embodiment of 33 Duchies, 198 Counties, and near 600 Baronies; standing toe to toe with almost any local power, and a vying figure of control on the continental level. Brought together by Ysira Anireth, a member of the Dynasty of Anireth, the nation prospers under a grand leadership with an exceptional high degree of stability.
However, the stability of the nation is heavily due to its reliance on a number of cruel practices; such as slavery, honor duels, forced cultural indoctrination, forced military service, and more. While the rich see the Kingdom as a vessel for their power, the peasantry looks down on many of the laws enstated by the goverment. Even still, they appreciate the security that comes from the nigh authoritarian state, and many see a great pride in living under the rule of King Ysira; heavily in part due to his near legendary status as a warrior, and rumors he is the reincarnation of Mors himself.
The ancient kingdom of Cintria, broken apart during King Gerchan's early crusades, has lain dormant for many years until recently restored by the Great King Ysira; forged through iron and raw character. It stands the embodiment of 33 Duchies, 198 Counties, and near 600 Baronies; standing toe to toe with almost any local power, and a vying figure of control on the continental level. Brought together by Ysira Anireth, a member of the Dynasty of Anireth, the nation prospers under a grand leadership with an exceptional high degree of stability.
However, the stability of the nation is heavily due to its reliance on a number of cruel practices; such as slavery, honor duels, forced cultural indoctrination, forced military service, and more. While the rich see the Kingdom as a vessel for their power, the peasantry looks down on many of the laws enstated by the goverment. Even still, they appreciate the security that comes from the nigh authoritarian state, and many see a great pride in living under the rule of King Ysira; heavily in part due to his near legendary status as a warrior, and rumors he is the reincarnation of Mors himself.
- Name: Kingdom of Cintria
- Government Type: Electoral Monarchy
- Size: Kingdom
- Alignment: Lawful Neutral
While much of Cintria's politics are based on conventional ideas like noble blood and heritage, much of it stands to reward merit above all else. While King Ysira once stood nothing more than a Duke in his own right, now stands the electived, de facto King of all Cintria with none to question his rule. This is where much of the Kingdom stands apart, seeking the best of the world to embolden its ranks, on the order of the King himself; making it a heavily nationalistic, inviting nation despite many of its odd tendencies.
KingElected by the standing High Dukes and Duchesses of Cintria, the King is a position given to the most emboldened, ambitious of the people. Those who show such a grand merit that no other could compare, tasked with leading the great nation into the next era of both politics and expansion. It is because of this that the King of Cintria is often a well known celebrity even before his election, though it is still regarded that only title holders of some degree are given the chance to become such. This can range from the High Dukes, Dukes, Counts, Barons, and even the Knights, ranked heavily on their order of origin.
Council of Peers
Made up of thirteen High Dukes and Duchesses, the Council of Peers stands as the electoral college of Cintria. It helps guide the King and his personal council, institutes laws for the Kingdom as a whole, and votes on actions declared by the King themselves. Each is given a singular vote, while the King himself is given three to ensure his power of the laws governing their land. Matters discussed by the Council range from imprisonment, banishment, and execution of nobility, revocation of titles and claims, declaring war on another state, passing taxes and levy requirements, and especially the succession of King; assuming the current one becomes unfit to lead, or otherwise incapacitated from office.
Dukes and Duchesses
Each High Duke presides over an average of three Dukes, who in turn serve as Counts themselves. These Dukes and Duchesses of Cintria help govern on a smaller level, serving to control the interests and stability of their given region; often with six vassals of their own. Each is reinforced by the King's rule, ensuring much of the Kingdom's stability in the face of internal squabbling. Many of these conflicts are settled in court, with even more giving way to 'Trial by combat', Honor Duels set to encourage martial prowess and settling conflicts through blood. However, internal wars are not allowed, though no Dukes have yet attempted to rise up against the King's demand for Realm Peace.
Where Dukes rule regions, Counts rule over smaller ones, often headquartered to only a few mile radius. Given a Castle, they are tasked with monitoring more Micro concerns of a local region, from cities to tradeports and more, each tasked with presiding over Barons to ensure the realms prospering. This Fuedal level of management allows each to increase their own realms prosperity with little equal, though the system has been in place for many thousands of years, even locally. Counts are given now grand power, but are often called upon to lead armies should they be reasonable skilled or reputable for their actions.
Barons rules over much smaller holdings. Cities, villages, temples, and the like are all given to the management of low level nobility of Barons, often chosen from the Knight class of the Kingdom. These Barons often come from long lineages, but in the Kingdom of Cintria they are often bought or fought for in the blood, sweat, and tears of its fighting youth. Especially profound warriors have been known to be granted Baronies for their actions, ensuring a level of competence and freedom in an otherwise cruel world. This law of landing achievement has helped create an air of 'opportunity' in Cintria, and causes many to immigrate for the sake of earning such a title.
Although the lowest level of nobility within the Kingdom, Knights are members of all spans of life, often giving themselves to larger orders of Knights for strength in numbers. Knights are given these titles for achievement, though not exclusively through martial prowess in battle, but in terms of diplomacy, stewardship, and more. Any who make themselves well known are granted the chance to be elected by a Duke to become a Knight, and bring their lineage into the forefront of wealth. While merchants are often granted the title of Knight, it is yet more common to see great warriors and generals alike set themselves apart as Knights of Cintria, with the most famous being the Knights of the Golden Sun, those loyal and elite few who are hand chosen by the King themselves.
With control of some territory north of the Cairou River, east of the Seret Mountains and Elbion, Cintria is the de jure land of an ancient kingdom that has existed since the Age of Wonders; and only recently was reestablished with a strong central government presiding over the local duchies. This area of influence exerts itself greatly, attempting to become a strong powerhouse in the north.
To some degree, the Kingdom of Cintria is a people of hardy workers of varying degrees, controlling much of the northern coast of Eldain, east of the Seret Mountains and its dwarven kingdoms. However, while places like Vel Anir put an extreme emphasis on heritage and political intrigue, Cintria finds itself more in a state of accomplishment taking precedent over all other aspects, as it holds an electoral council to decide the King, instead of primogentry laws of old. Because of this, its people often look to a work ethic as a deciding factor amongst much of its opportunities, though not all.
The lucrative trade networks surrounding Cintria has spawned leagues of merchants of varying skills, with the most notable joining in league to form the Guild of Merchants; an economic powerhouse used to control local trade in the Kingdom. It is they who have kept laws such as slavery alive, stating it a critical part of the economic system, and with nobles in their pockets they often get their way. The amount of money these people hold puts them leagues above many minor nobles, and gives them arguably as much power as any given member of the Council, having far reaching consequences of painting Cintria as a ruthless Trade Empire.
However, while the empire itself is an Electoral Monarchy heavily set in feudal systems, the fact of the matter is that all nobility can decide governmental ranks on votes, raising up even basic commoners to the point of King status if they so prove themselves. It is not uncommon for conscripted village folk to raise to the level of general, and be given a title off accomplishments and skill alone; and as such has made many of Cintria's people ruthless in their pursuit of greatness, spawning some of the best tradesmen and warriors in the world.
Despite this however, with matters of Slavery still at the forefront of political discussion, it is hard to state when a slave receives their freedom despite accomplishments. Minor lords often utilize slave soldiers to fight battles against rebel entities, but very few ever see freedom from the shackles that bind. It is because of this that the King seeks to end its practice, and yet few others actually believe in this altruistic standpoint. The Council of Peers fights the king on this wholeheartedly, though their purpose for such is often assumed to be from the Guild of Merchants.
Generally, the people of Cintria are happy with the rule, created from the conquering and unification of 33 duchies over 10 years. This massive expansion has led to growing pains, but with the legendary status of Ysira as it stands, many see the kingdom sit stable despite the youthfulness of its conquerer king. He stands as an idol to the Kingdom, and after much of the early wars Dukes and the like often began to offer fealty in exchange for no war. Publically, the Dukes all support their King, but privately many speak ill of him, still scorned from losing a battle to a teenage warrior. This has led many to believe that the Kingdom of Cintria will fall into crisis upon his death, but there has been little concern of it coming any time soon.
During the Age of Wonders, Cintria was originally unified by the Warlord and thought-to-be Demigod, Mors. It is unknown to what degree the legends are actually myth and which are fact, but it is believed that the ancient city of Vintou served as his governmental seat as he unified the northern coast against an unknown enemy. Many consider it a plague, epidemic perhaps, but the stories speak of a monstrous mage figure capable of killing thousands with minimal effort. Mors led the nation to dispose of this monster, forever crowning Mors as the legendary Demon-Killer; and immortalizing him as the original God-King of Cintria.
Despite the aggrandized nature of the tale, Cintria served as an Electoral Monarchy for many thousands of years, slowing losing the bloodline of Mors with it. Stability reigned over much of it until later on when the King known as Grechen committed his atrocities during the Age of Expansion, tearing the Kingdom apart during his initial crusades. This scarred the land, leaving many to wonder what would become of the kingdom itself, though this was eventually put to rest when King Ysira was but sixteen years old.
Following his ascenion to the title of Duke of Loraine & Tyr, Ysira began his campaigns across Cintria to reunify the Kingdom in a way that had never been accomplished before. Where once a stable, prospering goverment existed now squabbled a series of loosely based lords who each in their own claimed Cintrian borders, but never acted to protect their fellow Dukes and Duchesses. Ysira's intervention in the matter ensured an absolute authority in the land, taking the once loose conglomerate, and turning it into a power that threatened to rival even the likes of Vel Anir itself.
Now, a decade later, Ysira sits as the single idle of Cintria, keeping it together with a tight hand on the reigns, backed by the weight of his reputation. Many have sought his downfall, yet his personal council has seen to it that he stay the leader of Cintria with all due haste, and any confident enough to challenge him to a public duel met fates of even worse condition. It is on Ysira's shoulders the entire Kingdom sits, as his Council now moves with extreme haste to ensure the continued existence of the Kingdom.
Despite the aggrandized nature of the tale, Cintria served as an Electoral Monarchy for many thousands of years, slowing losing the bloodline of Mors with it. Stability reigned over much of it until later on when the King known as Grechen committed his atrocities during the Age of Expansion, tearing the Kingdom apart during his initial crusades. This scarred the land, leaving many to wonder what would become of the kingdom itself, though this was eventually put to rest when King Ysira was but sixteen years old.
Following his ascenion to the title of Duke of Loraine & Tyr, Ysira began his campaigns across Cintria to reunify the Kingdom in a way that had never been accomplished before. Where once a stable, prospering goverment existed now squabbled a series of loosely based lords who each in their own claimed Cintrian borders, but never acted to protect their fellow Dukes and Duchesses. Ysira's intervention in the matter ensured an absolute authority in the land, taking the once loose conglomerate, and turning it into a power that threatened to rival even the likes of Vel Anir itself.
Now, a decade later, Ysira sits as the single idle of Cintria, keeping it together with a tight hand on the reigns, backed by the weight of his reputation. Many have sought his downfall, yet his personal council has seen to it that he stay the leader of Cintria with all due haste, and any confident enough to challenge him to a public duel met fates of even worse condition. It is on Ysira's shoulders the entire Kingdom sits, as his Council now moves with extreme haste to ensure the continued existence of the Kingdom.
- The Plot of Festivals - Members of Elbion discuss the looming presence of Cintria.
- Fame & Fortune - Recruitment drive by Cintria, in the hopes of expanding its influence.
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