Kiia Sidra
Kiia's appearance has been shaped by centuries of nomadic life. She is dark, lithe, and fit. Her long, thick black hair is often braided to keep it from her face. Across her dark skin are white tattoos bearing the images of trees and sprawling branches, her family's namesake. She wears loose clothing, just enough to block the harsh desert sun, and carries a tall, dark bo-staff. The ends of the staff are thicker than the center, and hollow, and they can produce resonant sounds when struck against the correct surfaces.
Skills and Abilities
As a sand elf, Kiia is naturally gifted with geomancy and illusion magic. She is able to manipulate sand, earth, and stone to a good degree and produce some illusory images. Her true power, however, lies in her mastery of life energy.
From a young age Kiia realized that she could draw the life force from any living thing, be it plant or animal. She could take this energy into herself, and as a child used it as a source of energy in the barren sands, able to make use of otherwise poisonous plants or animals too scrawny to eat.
As she grew older and her power grew, she realized that she could transfer this energy from herself to another living thing, healing it in the process. Through years upon years of practice, Kiia is now a very capable healer. This comes at a price, however, as she cannot generate any life energy on her own and must siphon it from a living source.
She is able to draw the life force from any living thing that she touches, and with significant effort, living things a short distance away. The amount of energy she is able to siphon diminishes with distance, and if the subject is resisting. It is not the most practical skill on a battlefield, but it is terrifying to witness.
Kiia keeps a large greenhouse at her place of work with plenty of plants from which she can draw life force.
Kiia's staff acts as a conduit for her magic, and it is more difficult for her to cast spells and use her powers without it.
From a young age Kiia realized that she could draw the life force from any living thing, be it plant or animal. She could take this energy into herself, and as a child used it as a source of energy in the barren sands, able to make use of otherwise poisonous plants or animals too scrawny to eat.
As she grew older and her power grew, she realized that she could transfer this energy from herself to another living thing, healing it in the process. Through years upon years of practice, Kiia is now a very capable healer. This comes at a price, however, as she cannot generate any life energy on her own and must siphon it from a living source.
She is able to draw the life force from any living thing that she touches, and with significant effort, living things a short distance away. The amount of energy she is able to siphon diminishes with distance, and if the subject is resisting. It is not the most practical skill on a battlefield, but it is terrifying to witness.
Kiia keeps a large greenhouse at her place of work with plenty of plants from which she can draw life force.
Kiia's staff acts as a conduit for her magic, and it is more difficult for her to cast spells and use her powers without it.
Centuries of nomadic life, combined with a family that revered and lived alongside the natural world, has left Kiia self-sufficient and she was at first reluctant to join "civilized" society. However, her healing powers were declared a gift from Abtatu, and she found herself heavily invested in the religion of her people.
Serving now as a high priestess in the court of the Empire, she appears aloof and cold to many who speak with her. However, she is always willing to employ her gifts in service of Empire and Abtatu’s Prophet.
Serving now as a high priestess in the court of the Empire, she appears aloof and cold to many who speak with her. However, she is always willing to employ her gifts in service of Empire and Abtatu’s Prophet.
Biography & Lore
Kiia, and her brother Tadrielus Sidra, grew up like many sand elves: a nomad traversing the sands endlessly. Her family and tribe were uniquely attuned to the natural world, even amongst the dune dwellers. This closeness with nature is what allowed her to realize her connection with living beings, and to hone her ability to manipulate the life force within them all.
Regarded as something of a miracle by her tribesmen, she quickly assumed a religious role along with her medical tasks. In addition to healing, she acted as a spiritual guide and leader. When she came of age over a century ago she left her small nomadic tribe to travel the sands and the settlements of Amol-Kalit. Recently she has moved to some of the larger towns and cities of the new Empire. The shift was dramatic, but Abtatu’s will seemed to be focused on his newest prophet, the Emperor. As one of Abtatu’s servants herself, she would see this prophet, and if he proved true lend him her services.
Her foray into the more populated areas of Amol-Kalit exposed her to the other religions of the area. In an effort to expand her work as a healer, she learned as much as she could, able to tailor her actions to whichever populace she was currently in. Abtatu's teachings could be found in many religions, and so she did not believe her actions to be deviating from her god's will in any way.
(Further details WIP)
Regarded as something of a miracle by her tribesmen, she quickly assumed a religious role along with her medical tasks. In addition to healing, she acted as a spiritual guide and leader. When she came of age over a century ago she left her small nomadic tribe to travel the sands and the settlements of Amol-Kalit. Recently she has moved to some of the larger towns and cities of the new Empire. The shift was dramatic, but Abtatu’s will seemed to be focused on his newest prophet, the Emperor. As one of Abtatu’s servants herself, she would see this prophet, and if he proved true lend him her services.
Her foray into the more populated areas of Amol-Kalit exposed her to the other religions of the area. In an effort to expand her work as a healer, she learned as much as she could, able to tailor her actions to whichever populace she was currently in. Abtatu's teachings could be found in many religions, and so she did not believe her actions to be deviating from her god's will in any way.
(Further details WIP)
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- Tadrielus Sidra