Khadja El Hashim

Khadja El Hashim

Biographical information
Seluca 30 Seluca
Physical description
Human Female 5'2'' 120 lbs black green olive
Political information
Captain of the Royal Guard
Out-of-character information
Lucie 08/04/2022 John Park

Khadja was born to Seluca and lived under the rule of the conquerors. It had been a harsh life and as a child she lived off of the streets where quick hands and a quick mind often were the difference between life and death. On reaching adulthood, she joined in with a group of mercenaries and learned how to fight. It was during her time with them that she met Rasoul. At first she didn't believe the words or plans that he'd made to return Seluca back to her people, but gradually she came to believe. She left the mercenary group to fight for him for her home, eventually taking back the city. Due to her loyalty and skill in battle, Rasoul appointed her the Captain of his personal guard.


Despite her small size, Khadja is a fierce fighter. She wears her long hair in a tight braid which is either worn down her back or

Skills and Abilities

Glaive Master - The Glaive is Khadja's weapon of choice. The reach of the weapon helping to make up for her small stature.

Curved Sword - Secondary weapon when Khadja is forced toward melee combat - she is advanced in her skill

Leader - Khadja is a strong leader for the Captain of the Royal Guard, though she is not a fan of political manipulations


Loyal - Loyalty is important to Khadja, she would give her life for Rasoul's if it came to it

Biography & Lore

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