Kaylus was a Tarri rogue warrior from The Taagi Baara Steppes. He journeyed with Marr Ironclaw and their companions across the world.
Kaylus was born to a family of nomadic farmers in the eastern part of the Taagi Baara Steppes. When he turned 14, Kaylus was conscripted by a Southern Lord against his clan’s will due to his size and potential as a warrior.
Once in the Southern Lord’s service, Kaylus received training in fitness, sword and bow combat, and anti-mage tactics. To serve as a use outside combat, he received an education in managing a traveling band’s food and goods storage.
At the end of his training, the Southern Lord assigned Kaylus to Marr Ironclaw’s band. Due to his training, he would frequently serve as part of the party’s vanguard. His achievements on the battlefield eventually yielded him both enough wealth and notice from the Southern Lord to get him a suit of armor. Prior to that, it was common for Kaylus to sustain wounds that would leave him out of the next battle or two.
After many years of service to the Southern Lord, Kaylus joined Marr and his companions in their betrayal. He stayed with the party and began to roam the land and cause terror.
Personality and traits
On the battlefield, Kaylus strives to be as terrifying and ruthless as possible. His armor helps sell the terror visually, while Kaylus would execute gruesome displays of murder for those that resisted. Kaylus once gave justification for this behavior by once saying, “Better to scare them to surrender than to fight to the death.”
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