Kāmohoaliʻi are a race of shark folk known for their unique head shape. While they are often confused with hammerhead sharks, all Kamo reach heights of ten to twenty feet, weighing anywhere from four hundred to nearly a thousand pounds— a feat that tells while they may have been descended from the sea creatures, they are far more durable. Able to live under the waves for eternity or to walk upon the land, many Kamo will die before they turn forty-five. A short life-cycle for the sharkfolk who don’t reach reproductive maturity until they are ten years old.
Kamo often keep into groups of forty or so family members, as familial bonds is a heavy emphasis for their culture. Young Kamo men will often depart from their family, those who can secure territory will create a new branch of their clan while those unable to get territory and protect it will often come back to their family’s warm embrace. While Kamo tend to be on the nicer side of sharkfolk, especially when dealing with those who are not sharkfolk, they are often seen in blood feuds.
It is expected that if a family member were to be killed, no trial is needed. An eye for an eye. Revenge is merely a duty, especially for the men of the Kāmohoaliʻi.
Karnage is not a very tall or broad for a Kamo, although to many others he must seem like a titan. He is extremely well muscled
Skills and Abilities
A little bit of this, a little bit of that. Karnage is good at many things but a master of none— except baking and punching things. While the Icarus doesn’t provide the most suitable environment for baking, the few times that Karnage has baked sweets were thoroughly enjoyed by all who could try it.
As for the punching, there’s no one alive to tell you that a punch from Karnage doesn’t hurt.
Bloodlust. All Kamo possess, and often have to work hard to suppress, this frenzied ability that increases their predatory instincts as well as physical attributes. The scent of blood often acts like a more powerful adrenaline rush that increases mental clarity, strength and speed. Tasting blood or eating red meat will dramatically increase these effects. Unfortunately, the high can be so great that the Kamo either goes into a vegetable state or can’t stop devouring blood. It’s due to this bloodlust that people assume the blood feuds are so prevalent in Kamo society.
As with all Kamo, Karnage has a sort of sixth sense: he can sense many things in a area through electro-magnetivity. This sense is heightened in water or in high altitudes, increasing his range astronomically. He just intuitively know where things or people are, whether or not they’re hiding doesn’t really matter.
As for the punching, there’s no one alive to tell you that a punch from Karnage doesn’t hurt.
Bloodlust. All Kamo possess, and often have to work hard to suppress, this frenzied ability that increases their predatory instincts as well as physical attributes. The scent of blood often acts like a more powerful adrenaline rush that increases mental clarity, strength and speed. Tasting blood or eating red meat will dramatically increase these effects. Unfortunately, the high can be so great that the Kamo either goes into a vegetable state or can’t stop devouring blood. It’s due to this bloodlust that people assume the blood feuds are so prevalent in Kamo society.
As with all Kamo, Karnage has a sort of sixth sense: he can sense many things in a area through electro-magnetivity. This sense is heightened in water or in high altitudes, increasing his range astronomically. He just intuitively know where things or people are, whether or not they’re hiding doesn’t really matter.
Karnage is a man who prides himself in inciting fear into others.
Only eats shellfish and other sea creatures that aren’t mammals. Mammals are known to incite bloodlust.
Only eats shellfish and other sea creatures that aren’t mammals. Mammals are known to incite bloodlust.
Biography & Lore
Karnage doesn’t remember much. He was found to be a sole survivor of a blood feud that had taken place along the Allirian Strait and picked up and sold into a slave trade at the age of three. His buyer was a gang leader who ended up raising Karnage, as well as naming him something much more easy to pronounce than KAMAPUA’A. Karnage soon grew into his foster’s dad right hand man, his nature making him completely and utterly devoted to him and to the gang— his family.
One fateful day his family was completely slaughtered. And Karnage was alone once again. Until he joined The Icarus Crew.
One fateful day his family was completely slaughtered. And Karnage was alone once again. Until he joined The Icarus Crew.
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