jregh's appearance plays into a lot of orcish stereotypes. he is large, muscular, brutish-looking. he has the tusks, but they're astonishingly small for an orc his size- because he broke a tooth once and immediately filed the other down to match. this often works to his advantage, as things don't get stuck on his tusks as often. while most of him is very stereotypical looking, there are features that don't quite match, such as his greyish-brown skin, and his strangely bright, amber eyes. his hair is kept half-down and long, going just past his shoulder blades with a good bit of it pulled from his face.
he is often seen wearing either metal plate armour when out in the wilds or common clothes when in cities, with his axes strapped to his waist, whether he is in town or not.
he is often seen wearing either metal plate armour when out in the wilds or common clothes when in cities, with his axes strapped to his waist, whether he is in town or not.
Skills and Abilities
he is most skilled with dual wielding, specifically axes, though he can also use short swords, daggers, and even kitchen knives if he was really in a pinch. he tends to do worse in battle when using two-handed weapons, but could still defend himself if needed. he has very little magical ability, hardly able to conjure a ball of light to venture in the dark, despite trying his best to learn more magic.
while not physical skills, he is able to sing fairly well, and is well-read. he's able to read and write common, and knows quite a few spells by heart, he just.. can't perform them.
while not physical skills, he is able to sing fairly well, and is well-read. he's able to read and write common, and knows quite a few spells by heart, he just.. can't perform them.
generally, jregh is very awkward and likes to keep to himself, but if you get him talking, he doesn't stop talking. he has a deep passion for magic and its properties, wanted to be a mage as a child, and will ramble on and on about it until his throat is sore. he enjoys sweet things, whether that be a sweet person in his life, or a sweet treat like a cake. he is is fiercely loyal to those he cares about, and will protect those he cares about with his life.
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