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"I want hardy men working this farm, not starved boys. Eat up. You're going to need it." ~ Landowner [no name yet]
In a village of few inhabitants, Jon does not blatantly stand out. He blends in, and lives a simple life.
His life working the fields of his liege have left him strong, and its by grace that said man pays mind to keep his workers well-fed. It's because of this lifestyle that Jon always keeps his blonde locks cut short, and rarely lets them grow out.
The hard labor always leaves him dirtied and uncleaned as well, seeing as a bath is more of an outlandish thing in the likes of a small settlement. Jon's soft complexion is always covered in dirt, or whatever he happens to be working in.
As of recently, he's join the local watch as the rising threat of bandits continues to find its peak.
As a watchman he received ample training with a broadsword, keeping the old blade strapped to his hip. Most of what he wears is as aged as the weapon, having been used in a war long gone. His tattered old gambeson and mail hood suits him well enough though, hardly ever seeing a true fight.
More notably he shoulders a longbow, the fine arrows he's managed to collect resting in a quiver at his hip.
With life rather lackluster, one might assume he held a grim outlook. Alas, it's quite the opposite. Jon enjoys his simple life, as it is all he knows. There's always the trace of a smile on his face, and an innocence in his brown eyes.