Jiro The Mad

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Jiro The Mad

Biographical information
alsahra alhamra 30 alsahra alhamra
Physical description
barkih aldam male 5ft9 160lbs black red alabaster
Political information
Iilah Aldamu,
Alsahra Alhamra
High Priest
Out-of-character information
Gremlin May 16, 2019 https://cdn-images-1.medium.com/max/1600/1*J78LeXjkr_jRjo0mlGa1lg.jpeg


Jiro The Mad is known for being tall and thin. He has long, black hair and pale skin. Like most barkih aldam, his eyes are a crimson color. While in public, he wears black robes and a mask to hide his face. Those who have gazed upon him without his mask say he has an ethereal beauty to him.

Underneath his cloaks, his pale body is decorated by the red and black signil of the god he worships so fervently, the sign of a High Priest of Iilah Aldamu.


Skills and Abilities

(Everyone in is good at something. What are your character's major skills? Are they capable of manipulating Magic? What Traits does your character have? Are they held back in any way due to their origin? This may include racial traits and flaws.)


(What is your character's personality? Are they mean? Charismatic? Rude? Do they have any quirks?)

Biography & Lore

(What is your character's background? It can be as rich or as mysterious as you want it to be.)


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