[var]jinpachi kirtania[/var]
Jinpachi was born to a Mardanian Knight and a former Nazrani wanderer. His general upbringing has been rather normal and as expected of him as a boy ascending through the stages of Knighthood since the time he could walk! Through uncertain circumstances, he managed to graduate from the School of Oaths at 17. While he wasn't the best in his class, it is rumored he only failed to be titled such due to disciplinary issues. Regardless, he has now been transferred to the School of Script and tasked with what he seems to think sounds like baby-sitting.
<While he isn't the shortest, Jinpachi clearly isn't tall. He has an athletic, mesomorphic build, and is clearly built for his role of Knight. His hair his dark, chopped, and usually unkept. His almond shaped eyes are typically dark as well, somewhere between a very dark brown or straight up black. He is always seen with a clean face which some assume is due to good hygiene and the want to maintain a clean appearance, but in truth he has the uncanny inability to grow facial hair. Back as the School of Oaths, this earned him the name 'Baby Face'.>
Skills and Abilities
<Gentleman: Jinpachi has been raised and taught a general standard of excellence! He is to present himself in the best manner possible at all times, focusing on respect and etiquette. He doesn't blow off this responsibility, though he sort of picks and chooses where to toe the line with tradition.
Pugilism & Fencing: Jinpachi ranked among the best of his class, in some cases rivalling long held records. He is proficient in hand-to-hand combat and has shown the ability to wield a small variety of melee weapons. While Nobility and Knighthood expects him to carry a sword, he sacrificed being the best to become more versatile.
Qi Manipulation: While he has a certain lack of ability to cast traditional magics, Jinpachi does have the uncanny ability to manipulate his Qi for a variety of outcomes both internal and external. He can do things like enhance his physical, mental, emotional, and even spiritual being. Likewise, he can express this Qi through touch as well as the production/accumulation and projection of Qi through his body.>
Pugilism & Fencing: Jinpachi ranked among the best of his class, in some cases rivalling long held records. He is proficient in hand-to-hand combat and has shown the ability to wield a small variety of melee weapons. While Nobility and Knighthood expects him to carry a sword, he sacrificed being the best to become more versatile.
Qi Manipulation: While he has a certain lack of ability to cast traditional magics, Jinpachi does have the uncanny ability to manipulate his Qi for a variety of outcomes both internal and external. He can do things like enhance his physical, mental, emotional, and even spiritual being. Likewise, he can express this Qi through touch as well as the production/accumulation and projection of Qi through his body.>
<Jinpachi has a strong since of what's Just and Right, even when it comes to things like challenging or straight up breaking tradition. Likewise, he expects others to have a live science about vague concepts like Justice, and to hold themselves accountable for their actions, especially when those actions affect others. Otherwise, he's seen as a strong, silent type, though he does open up to those that manage to get close to him. Patience is a virtue when dealing with him.>
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