Jana Evet
"I shall be the death of my enemies and glory of my House, the fear of those below me and doom of those I have to overcome."

Jana looks a lot younger than she is. There is something almost eerie in the way her skin blooms with life, making her appearance almost akin to that of a child. This feeling is amplified even more by her eyes: white, unseeing and thus emotionless.
She isn't too tall or muscular, but that only serves to give the faulty impression that she is weak and fragile, because while it is true that she might not be able to compete with larger trained warriors, Jana is nothing but agile and resilient.
Her usual clothing includes light armor or protective gear made from leather or thick cloth. She rarely if ever wears bright or flashy colors, and her outfit is always aimed at being practical rather than pretty. She likes to keep her clothes clean, the same goes for her weapons, which usually include a sword sheathed to her side and a staff, carried in hand or fastened on her back.
She isn't too tall or muscular, but that only serves to give the faulty impression that she is weak and fragile, because while it is true that she might not be able to compete with larger trained warriors, Jana is nothing but agile and resilient.
Her usual clothing includes light armor or protective gear made from leather or thick cloth. She rarely if ever wears bright or flashy colors, and her outfit is always aimed at being practical rather than pretty. She likes to keep her clothes clean, the same goes for her weapons, which usually include a sword sheathed to her side and a staff, carried in hand or fastened on her back.
Skills and Abilities
Astral magic: Jana is highly skilled in the art of astral magic, which involves influencing the spheres outside of physical world, making them material and interacting with them in any other way. Jana can channel her own life force to aid her, amplify her physical abilities and create her astral projection. It can be ethereal, allowing her to travel through matters such as dreams, or physical, creating a duplicate of a part or the entirety of her body. This astral projection is strong against magical attacks, as it is made from a similar matter, and is dangerous when in contact with the flesh of living beings, as it can interfere with their inner energy, but any attacks by inanimate objects can be highly successful.
Astral magic allows her to sense the life force and magical spheres of beings or objects around her, identifying their locations and, in rare cases, the nature of their abilities, mood or state of health. The maximum radius of this ability is far less than the human sight goes, but it outstretches in all directions and can provide important information.
Using this magic she can also heal her wounds faster than would be normally possible, even if it's still far from instant.
Divination: Jana's second magical discipline is divination, although she has a very narrow focus in it. Mainly, her training has allowed her to see the most probable outcomes of near events, seconds or minutes in future. This usually allows her to see her enemies' next moves in the battle, unless they are made on pure instinct or by accident, making any future event equally possible. Funnily enough, this makes inexperienced warriors less prone to be traced by her.
Master warrior: Jana is skilled in different kinds of combat, both armed and not, but she is especially dangerous with a sword or staff.
Emotionally tempered: Emotional trauma from her past has made Jana distance herself from her feelings and emotional side, making any influences from this side very difficult. She has obtained natural resilience against magic that influences emotions.
Astral magic allows her to sense the life force and magical spheres of beings or objects around her, identifying their locations and, in rare cases, the nature of their abilities, mood or state of health. The maximum radius of this ability is far less than the human sight goes, but it outstretches in all directions and can provide important information.
Using this magic she can also heal her wounds faster than would be normally possible, even if it's still far from instant.
Divination: Jana's second magical discipline is divination, although she has a very narrow focus in it. Mainly, her training has allowed her to see the most probable outcomes of near events, seconds or minutes in future. This usually allows her to see her enemies' next moves in the battle, unless they are made on pure instinct or by accident, making any future event equally possible. Funnily enough, this makes inexperienced warriors less prone to be traced by her.
Master warrior: Jana is skilled in different kinds of combat, both armed and not, but she is especially dangerous with a sword or staff.
Emotionally tempered: Emotional trauma from her past has made Jana distance herself from her feelings and emotional side, making any influences from this side very difficult. She has obtained natural resilience against magic that influences emotions.
Blindness: Jana is blind, making her magic the only means by which she can perceive the world around her. While it is enough to give her detailed information about her surroundings, she can't perceive the world in a simple human way. To put in few words: the beauty of the world is lost to her, as well as many of the more subtle nuances of it.
Emotional trauma: Jana has experienced a brutal childhood and youth, distancing her from her feelings. She wants to see herself as efficient and deadly, burying any other feelings she might come across. When an emotional experience manages to get through to her, she doesn't respond to it well.
Weak against ranged weapons: As dangerous as Jana is in close combat or fights against other mages, ranged attacks from mundane weapons such as bows are those that she is most vulnerable to, simply because it is a lot harder for her to detect them if she isn't expecting them.
Emotional trauma: Jana has experienced a brutal childhood and youth, distancing her from her feelings. She wants to see herself as efficient and deadly, burying any other feelings she might come across. When an emotional experience manages to get through to her, she doesn't respond to it well.
Weak against ranged weapons: As dangerous as Jana is in close combat or fights against other mages, ranged attacks from mundane weapons such as bows are those that she is most vulnerable to, simply because it is a lot harder for her to detect them if she isn't expecting them.
Cold, brutal and calculating. Jana is cunning, using her soft appearance and blindness to trick those around her into seeing her as weak, before striking. She can kill without hesitating, betray and trick if she is ordered to and generally perform any kind of task for those in control of her faith. Once she gives her loyalty, it is absolute.
And, perhaps, if somebody would ever do the meticulously hard task of digging into her deepest self, they would find that young child who she once was, scared and wanting affection. A child whom Jana has carefully crushed for her whole adult life.
She prefers not to feel, although she can mimic emotions well enough.
And, perhaps, if somebody would ever do the meticulously hard task of digging into her deepest self, they would find that young child who she once was, scared and wanting affection. A child whom Jana has carefully crushed for her whole adult life.
She prefers not to feel, although she can mimic emotions well enough.
Biography & Lore
She was happy once. In the past, long, long ago, when she had a family, parents, a sister and almost no worries. She had a large carpet on the floor of the central room of their house, brought from a far-away land and now slightly stained with ash from the fireplace. And she had simple, childish games.
But she was a child of Vel Anir, and one gifted in magic. And so, in what was barely a day, she got dragged out of her old life and into the new one.
One without love. One without warmth. And one without happiness.
The days of her schooling were long, stretching into years full with pain, anguish and fear, of her superiors and her future. Fear which was beaten out of her, lost in dark basements and during cold, hungry winter nights without sleep. It was almost as if Jana fed her growing magical power with that same fear, destroying it alongside her kindness, softness and ability to feel anything but cold, calculating rage.
Then she was angry for a while, at her instructors and superiors, at whole world around her, and this anger was used to shape her power, to make it from a bolder into a blade capable of slaying anybody who opposed her.
This anger was killed as well, at the very end of her time in the Academy, in a small room with bare walls and nothing but a ritual knife on the floor. The anger went away together with her sight, as she buried the ethereal blade in her own skull.
Like that, blind and more powerful than ever, she was taken under a mentorship from a Dreadlord serving the House Sirl. And after years of hardening her heart and fists even more, she finally swore allegiance to the same House.
Her faith, crafted for all these years, had gained its final form.
She was Dradlord of Vel Anir, marching up the ranks from third to second level the same way she marched over the skulls of the enemies of her House.
She was a Dreadlord. And the world shall know no weakness from her.
But she was a child of Vel Anir, and one gifted in magic. And so, in what was barely a day, she got dragged out of her old life and into the new one.
One without love. One without warmth. And one without happiness.
The days of her schooling were long, stretching into years full with pain, anguish and fear, of her superiors and her future. Fear which was beaten out of her, lost in dark basements and during cold, hungry winter nights without sleep. It was almost as if Jana fed her growing magical power with that same fear, destroying it alongside her kindness, softness and ability to feel anything but cold, calculating rage.
Then she was angry for a while, at her instructors and superiors, at whole world around her, and this anger was used to shape her power, to make it from a bolder into a blade capable of slaying anybody who opposed her.
This anger was killed as well, at the very end of her time in the Academy, in a small room with bare walls and nothing but a ritual knife on the floor. The anger went away together with her sight, as she buried the ethereal blade in her own skull.
Like that, blind and more powerful than ever, she was taken under a mentorship from a Dreadlord serving the House Sirl. And after years of hardening her heart and fists even more, she finally swore allegiance to the same House.
Her faith, crafted for all these years, had gained its final form.
She was Dradlord of Vel Anir, marching up the ranks from third to second level the same way she marched over the skulls of the enemies of her House.
She was a Dreadlord. And the world shall know no weakness from her.