J'Darak Moghahk

J'Darak is a rare Black Orc (Urcgais) of the Taagi Baara Steppes, huge and intimidating in his stance standing just shy of six foot eight, he holds himself slightly slouched and almost lazily. Marred black/grey leathery skin, worn by wind and rain stretches over each dense muscle and is dusted with hairs, mainly on his chest, arms and legs. His long black hair is tied into thick, unkept dreadlocks. His features are rugged and seem to hold a sense of scrutiny to them, a beady golden gaze resides beneath heavy eyebrows and a thick set jaw retains a grimace, his lower teeth and tusks jutting over his upper lip due to his under-bite. Wearing primarily roughly tanned (sometimes not) animal hides in the form of a calf-length loincloth and a half jerkin across one shoulder and his chest, J'Darak also sports the jaw-bone of a creature slewn in the Steppes as part of his coming of age rites around his neck, a trophy and reminder of his roots.
Skills and Abilities
Growing up on the Steppes has made Moghahk into a formidable hunter, like many of his kin and is surprisingly efficient with a bow despite his appearance. Trained by his father and the other males of his tribe, he was forged into a warrior and although one would not call his fighting style 'honed', it is no less effective and brutal, preferring the bite of his crudely forged black-iron great-axe over the twang of a bow or the whistle of a sword.
- Influences: War, his clan, bloodlust
- Likes: Food but especially meat, blunt weaponry, bone collecting and bones in general, foreign music and birds
- Dislikes: Long words and clever people, shiny things, elves, chairs and tables and Bards
- Goals: To return home and become War-Chief again.
- Strengths: His size and physical strength, bullheaded and stubborn and his war experience
- Weaknesses or Flaws: Stubborn, dense and doesn't think things through, slow and unwieldy due to his size, easily angered or upset and suspicious with an extreme phobia of magic in general.
- Habits: Grinding his teeth together and rolling his lower jaw, smashing/crushing things
Biography & Lore
- Father: D'darak Moghahk [deceased]
- Mother: Jijeer Drall'k [deceased]
- Siblings: Agnir Moghahk [deceased]
- Lover: N/A
- Other Family: N/A
- Companions or Pets: N/A
As he grew up however, he became restless, often getting agitated with sitting in the hall's and remaining within the palisade walls of his home and as such, he was taught to hunt, often joining the men in parties and learning quite a few valuable lessons in survival and tracking, by the time he was sixteen, his skill with the bow could rival even the older teenagers who had been training far longer. This was about the time he started training for real with sword and shield, however his quick temper and restlessness had him destined for a much different style.
Five years later, after the death of his mother, the Draal Gulhag territories had fallen into disarray due to the incompetence of his constantly intoxicated father, suffering depression from the loss of his lover. This sparked a new side of Moghahk that would seal his future for years to come, taking charge, he lead a coup against his father and slayed him on the throne and executed his lesser cheiftains. At the age of 28, Moghahk became Chief of the Draal Gulhag territories and not two months later, lead a successful attack on his neighboring Chieftain's territories, sealing five under his domain and another two contested, including a long abandoned stronghold on the Bystra river's border with the help of his brother by his side.
Growing progressively more aggressive and greedy, Moghahk waged a bloody and brutal war with his neighbors for the next three years, forging a name for himself and his clan. In this time he'd also taken minor skirmishes to the other nations borders, pushing back any advances on his lands and often raiding settlements at the same time, however his rising dominion could not last and a year after the three year feud, a peace treaty was signed with many of the lesser tribes and clans. This combined effort eventually reclaimed lost lands and knocked the Draal Gulhag clan into a state of disarray, to eventually splinter and vanish all-together.
During this time, the remaining Draal Gulhag Witches claimed to have had envisioned a prophecy that Moghahk would be the downfall of not only his clan, but all Orcish clans and tribes. Enraged by the declaration; which many of the tribes in the region believed, Moghahk stormed the Sage Hall with the remaining Orcish warriors loyal to him and killed all of the Witches of his clan as well as many lesser lords still loyal to the tribe.
During this success however, he was exposed to great magic, the likes he had never witnessed before and his brother Agnir was fatally wounded. With his tribe scattered and his home destroyed, he fled with the remaining loyalists, but not without taking a severe phobia of magic and it's users, convincing himself that the only way he would be safe from the same fate as his brother, would be to consume the bodies of those he feared.
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