Many would believe is a blessing that the Skinwalker can shift between the human form and an animal form. How many of us after all have wished to have the wings of a bird or the speed of a cheetah before? However, there is a danger to taking on two forms and that is that the person can end up losing themselves within the animal. For when they take on that form, when they become the beast, they become it almost entirely. The needs and desires along with the gifts. Many Skinwalkers talk about craving raw meat days after they have transformed back into their human selves.
There have been some alarming occasions however, where the Skinwalker has given themselves over so fully to the animal they forget they are human at all.
In her human form, Izoldë looks as wild as the nature of her animal half. Her white hair is often a mess and knotted with dead bugs, animals or bits of foliage. Her whole appearance suggests she cares little about how she looks, from her posture to the nervous jitter in her eyes, much preferring the skin of the snow leopard.
When cleaned up, Izoldë might be remarked upon as quite a pretty thing; whilst muscular she appears soft still with subtle curves and clear skin. Her haunting yellow eyes are a deep gold in colour and surprisingly enchanting in her heart-shaped face.
When cleaned up, Izoldë might be remarked upon as quite a pretty thing; whilst muscular she appears soft still with subtle curves and clear skin. Her haunting yellow eyes are a deep gold in colour and surprisingly enchanting in her heart-shaped face.
Skills and Abilities
Shapeshifting: Izoldë's main ability is to be able to transform her human form into that of a snow leopard. In her human form she is slightly stronger and quicker than normal humans, and her reflexes are startlingly catlike. As a snow leopard she is perhaps larger than the average snow leopard, betraying that there is something different to her.
Izoldë can be described simply in one word: Wild. She had spent the last five years of her life as a snow leopard and as such as lost all sense of who she is as a human being. Iz communicates often in hisses or growls, even whilst appearing human, and is incredibly nervous of other people preferring to keep her own company. She is fiercely protective and territorial of her lands from other skinwalkers.
Biography & Lore
Izoldë lived with her pack in Kaza, a small city up in the Borderlands. She was a content and happy child whilst she was young but on her 16th birthday the pack was attacked by Orcs. The young girl watched from her hiding spot as her family and friends were brutally murdered in front of her. In order to escape she shifted into her other form and made for the snowy slopes of the Blightland's mountains. It was because of the horror and trauma of the incident that kept her hidden in the comforting form of the wild animal.
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