Ivar was born in the North Eastern Tundra in the free city of Kjos.
Though some might say that calling Kjos a 'City' is generous, the residents of the town have long called it as such in their native tongue. Located within the midst of a deep valley at the end of a Fjord, Kjos is surrounded on all sides by tall cliffs, giving it a natural defensive wall. There are only two paths to the town itself, the Fjord and a single rocky road that winds up the cliffs.
Kjos is quite old, though no one is really sure when it was first founded. The town has long relied fishing as well as trading with several nearby Nordenfiir settlements, though stands apart from them in both culture and leadership. Those from Kjos are often noted for their free and independent spirits.
Generally friendly to outsiders, Kjos maintains a steady population of a few thousand. Most men, and those women that choose to are trained to fight in the old style of the Nord's. Fierce warriors make their homes within Kjos, though those who can utilize magics are rare.
The City is ruled by a Triumvirate of leaders elected from the local noble families. Terms last a life time, and elections are often fiercely contentions and often bloody. A fact that the Kjos are not shy about.
Ivar's childhood within Kjos was abnormal in that most of it was not spent within the city itself.
His father was had been exiled from Kjos itself, outcast for the crimes of thievery and murder. Though he claimed that both of these charges were lies, the tribunal of his people found him guilty. Due to the lack of evidence however Ivar's father was not killed, but instead exiled to the fringes of the City.
It was here that Ivar was brought up, living on a cabin within the mountains surrounding Kjos itself. He was forced to become a keen hunter, warrior, and skilled ranger.
Although his father died on his twentieth nameday, Ivar was still marked and often outcast by the people of Kjos. Though he did not commit a crime himself, the sins of the father lay heavily upon his shoulders for many. The Murder that had been carried out struck a deep corner within the community, and even well into Adulthood Ivar still caught the effects of his fathers supposed actions.
Knowing this, Ivar has set out into the world, seeking to make a name for himself apart from his city. Along him came his closest friend Braum.
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