Iseppa Arladi
The eldest of the current Arladi generation, Iseppa tends to her family and the small city of Hertstead, built some generations ago upon Arladi backs. With the rule of the city clasped tightly in one fist, she stretches the fingers of her other out across the Reach, toward both Alliria and the northern border of the Spine, seeking to expand her family's influence and grown their fortune through a variety of means.
Wavy, ink black hair, olive skin, and heavy-lidded honeyed eyes mark Iseppa clearly as an Arladi. She stands at 5'9", boasting an average figure that might be considered slender if she did not carry the extra weight afforded to her by a life of leisure. Her face is heart shaped with high cheek bones and an imperial nose and is often described as soft.
Skills and Abilities
- Diplomacy
- Stewardship
- Deception
Iseppa is an ambitious soul. The eldest child and eldest daughter, she bears the scars of early responsibility and the thin thread of duality she must walk. Serious more often than not, intuitive, and manipulative, she cuts her way through life with a silver tongue and sharp mind. That which cannot be gained with guile, she does not fear taking with force. To lead, in Iseppa's eyes, one must offer both open palm and closed fist. It is with fierce, quiet confidence that she dutifully does just that.
Biography & Lore
Born in 342 to the Arladi family, Iseppa is the eldest child of Agost and Helena Arladi. After her father's death in 366, she took up the mantle of leadership for her family, helped occasionally by her brother, Luca.