

Biographical information
Physical description
Fae Female 5'11" (180 cm)
Political information
None / Unknown
Out-of-character information
5/26/2024 Source

"The Moth of the Crossroads will hear your plea. By Her mercy, She shall pluck one of Her kin from the air and blow into it the wisdom of Lessat. Fear not as She feeds you Her gift. Its death will be the rebirth of you."​
- Excerpt from a cultist's writings​

Irkalla is a female, solitary Fae - one that is not formally a part of a Faerie Court. She is closely associated with moths, which frequently appear alongside her where she goes. Her origins among the Fae are not widely known. She has spent many years associating more with mortals and the non-Fae than her own kind - to the point that a cult has developed around her.


Not much is documented or widely known about Irkalla. One example of murky knowledge would be which Faerie Court she was born of - such was never documented, lost to time, or deliberately forgotten or kept secret.

Stories and myths of a being resembling her in appearance and abilities have existed across Arethil for many generations. Yet many of the myths were passed down via oral tradition before any bards penned them to paper - leaving their accuracy to be spotty at best.

Relationship with the non-Fae

The non-Fae, such as humans, orcs, and others, have stories of years of interaction with Irkalla. They are varied in how she is viewed: a harbinger of death, a voice for their ancestors, a healer, a sign of rebirth.

One story from the Allir Reach says that if the "Black Witch of Death" visits the four corners of one's home, then all that live in that house will die within a year. Another is where "She Who Wanders At Night" in the Ixchel Wilds offers to protect travellers should they care for a caterpillar until it blooms into a moth one year later.

A more formal, small cult worshiping Irkalla by name developed in the Iuk-'u Delta. She is viewed to be intimiately tied with the concept of death in all its forms and meanings - from the destruction to the rebirth and transformation that death brings. They claim she can see the world through moths - using them to seek out those that need her healing.

Relationship with the Fae

For years, Irkalla remained a solitary Fae without a formal tie to the Courts. The original Court she was born to or that her parents would be from is not well known among the Fae. Irkalla's family is also not widely known.

It is only on occassion that Irkalla is involved in Court politics. Most of her interactions among the Fae are with individuals - and usually only transactory.

Personality and traits

While the non-Fae have conflicting claims of Irkalla's personality, the Fae have a better grasp of at least some of her nature. While Irkalla is aloof and isolated from Fae politics, she is not inherently hostile to either Fae or mortal in general. When Irkalla makes one of her Oaths, she keeps to them. She views her own Oaths so highly that during one Wild Hunt years ago, Irkalla fought other Fae that attempted to capture a mortal she promised to guard for the night.

Physically, Irkalla's form is as malleable as it can be for a Fae. Though, she normally maintains the appearance of a winged humanoid with fair skin, dark black hair, with antenna-like growths from her head.

Powers and abilities

Irkalla has many powers and weaknesses that other Fae appear to have - such as ability to change her appearance as well as weakness to iron, especially cold iron.

The mortals' stories of Irkalla make determining the actual extent of her abilities to be a challenge. However, one of the most prominent abilities Irkalla utilizes is one of Oaths. These Oaths manifest not just as verbal promises, but also ones that magically bind Irkalla or the other party if they speak the Oath to complete the promise. Mortals that broke her Oaths experienced severe consequences from blindness to death. Though sometimes when the Oath is challenging, Irkalla or the one making an Oath to her appear to gain strength that would be helpful in keeping the Oath.

One weapon Irkalla seems to wield at will is a sword made of magic. It normally cannot be seen by the non-Fae and those without True Sight - though Irkalla can make it visible to them if she wishes. The sword is just as deadly as any other - though as Irkalla swings the sword it distorts and twists the magical energies in its path.

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