The Illshovna family are one of the Great Seven who help the Duman rule his vast kingdom and reside in one of the seven great castles which make up the capitals defences. In honour of their high position the title of Prince or Princess is conferred upon the head of the household. It is often from one of these Seven the Duma selects their future wife or husband.
Irina is the only surviving member of the Illshovna family after a great fire wrecked her Castle. Her mother, father and oldest two brothers perished in the flames. She managed to drag her youngest sister from the flames but she was so badly burnt she begged Irina to end her suffering.
Despite never believing the rule would fall to her, Irina rose to the challenge and rebuilt her household from the bottom up. However, there was stirrings amongst her supporters who believe her weak in comparison to the other Seven and that the time is now to seize control.
Irina is an icy beauty helped along by her frosty personality. Despite her size her presence and form more than tower over others and she wields her feminine curves as though they were lethal blades. Every spec of her is a carefully arranged painting in order to appear a certain way to the people in an attempt to look strong and powerful. With long chestnut brown hair which she often wears loose and vivid blue eyes that turn grey with her dour mood, she can both look inviting and repelling depending on how she schools her face.
Along her back Irina still bears the scars from her Castle's fire, creating a mottled patchwork of skin.
Along her back Irina still bears the scars from her Castle's fire, creating a mottled patchwork of skin.
The Princess upon first meeting comes off as cold, arrogant and unpleasant. She has strong defence mechanisms to keep people from glimpsing who she truly is behind the mask and as such can be cruel - yet fair - in public. She is fiercely loyal to her household and the city beyond and yet is slow to trust them. Those she does bring in to her inner circle are like her family now and they see the softer, gentler shell of a woman still reeling from losing her whole family in one night.
Skills and Abilities
Noble disposition: Irina is well educated in a multitude of disciplines as befitting her rank.
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