Though sister to Ashuanar of the abtati tribe of Mari-Kuul, she lived a life that ran parallel for only so long. Their tribe was attacked when she was still very young, and like him she was stolen away into slavery. Unlike him, however, she was not so fortunate as to be found and reclaimed by her long lost kin. She instead suffered a life of abuse and servitude for a far longer and harsher time.
Hardened through a life of violent hardship at the hands of her kalitian slave owners, she eventually murdered those unfortunate final few who spent their coin on her and reclaimed her freedom. But her thirst for vengeance is yet to be sated.
She is cunning and ruthless, and will stop at nothing to achieve her goals.
Skills and Abilities
Iesha is a master of manipulation. Whether it be pandering to someone's sense of self-righteousness by levying the weight of her own plight against them and expanding it to encompass a greater group of others, or exploiting someone else's lust with a seductive sway in her step. There are few paths she is unwilling to take for the right goal.
Her ability to survive on her own in even the harshest of the desert's environments has also proven impressive, as she was responsible for teaching many of the initial Abtati Insurgents on how to survive so well in Amol-Kalit's deepest expanses.
Iesha is also a formidable combatant. Though her training is far from formal, she is naturally inclined and ruthless. What she lacks in skill she makes up for in outright relentlessness.
And perhaps her most notable talent is her tact. It is she alone who organized the kidnapping and interrogation of Ashuanar, and their subsequent plan to replace Gerra with an imitation. Though she was thwarted in this attempt, it took a number of the Empire's brightest minds to undo her work.
Her ability to survive on her own in even the harshest of the desert's environments has also proven impressive, as she was responsible for teaching many of the initial Abtati Insurgents on how to survive so well in Amol-Kalit's deepest expanses.
Iesha is also a formidable combatant. Though her training is far from formal, she is naturally inclined and ruthless. What she lacks in skill she makes up for in outright relentlessness.
And perhaps her most notable talent is her tact. It is she alone who organized the kidnapping and interrogation of Ashuanar, and their subsequent plan to replace Gerra with an imitation. Though she was thwarted in this attempt, it took a number of the Empire's brightest minds to undo her work.
Iesha is quite notably and obviously unstable. For the most part she composes herself in a kind manner, so much so as to be almost belittling of others at times as if treating them to be like children. While in times of little stress this seems rather composed, but as tensions rise this behaviour, though maintained, becomes a bit more unstable and almost manic. There are two instances where this no longer becomes the case:
The first instance is when matters of strategical importance are on the table - her disposition becomes one of someone calculated, cold, quieted in the mind, and calm. She observes situations and assimilates them with ease and formulates a best-response given what she knows. This is the leader of the insurgency. This is is the mastermind of the interrogation. This is the hunter.
The second instance is when the time for stratagem has passed, when failure or communication break-down has occurred. When she's tired of repeating herself. When she's been insulted. When she loses. This is when neither the condescending kindness or calculated quiet come to bare. This is instead when almost all manner of control is forgone and anger, sadness, and joy all beautifully twist into one to create...
The first instance is when matters of strategical importance are on the table - her disposition becomes one of someone calculated, cold, quieted in the mind, and calm. She observes situations and assimilates them with ease and formulates a best-response given what she knows. This is the leader of the insurgency. This is is the mastermind of the interrogation. This is the hunter.
The second instance is when the time for stratagem has passed, when failure or communication break-down has occurred. When she's tired of repeating herself. When she's been insulted. When she loses. This is when neither the condescending kindness or calculated quiet come to bare. This is instead when almost all manner of control is forgone and anger, sadness, and joy all beautifully twist into one to create...
Re-secured Assets - Iesha interrogates Vizer of the Red Sun Ashuanar in hopes of acquiring tactical information - and is subsequently captured.
Chasing Dreams - In hopes of reuniting with his long-lost sister, Vizier Ashuanar is led into a trap - sprung by the very same sister: Iesha.
Tea in Maraan - Along her travels, Iesha stops by a small tea shop in Maraan.
Chasing Dreams - In hopes of reuniting with his long-lost sister, Vizier Ashuanar is led into a trap - sprung by the very same sister: Iesha.
Tea in Maraan - Along her travels, Iesha stops by a small tea shop in Maraan.
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