Horace MacTavish II

Horace MacTavish II

Biographical information
The Underrealm 255 Hogan's Quartpot, Falwood
Physical description
Duegar Male; He, Him 4'9" 235lbs Black, With white Streaks on top. Fully snow white beard. Bright Blue Slate
Political information
Retired adventurer/Barkeeper/Forrester
Out-of-character information

Hogan MacTavish II is a retired adventurer that know owns his own bar in a small port town in between Cortosi or the Falwoods, against a beach. It's a small community made up of all his old adventuring buddies where he can enjoy his retirement in peace.


He's a short, fat dwarf fella that is built like a wombat, and just as friendly. He's wrinkly and old but he is strong despite his appearance.

Skills and Abilities

He's a great tracker, Hunter, Marksman, Survivalist, Fighter, Brewer, Blacksmith, and he can cast some magic.


He's laid back and friendly, and fiercely loyal. He's very open and tends to go out of his way to make new friends and talk to other people. Despite all of this he tends to enjoy staying by himself, pushing others away and being all by himself.

Biography & Lore

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