

Biographical information
Vel Castere 26 Wherever the Guard are stationed
Physical description
Human F 5'7" Sinewous Dark Brown Brown Tanned
Political information
Guard (Though it's more of a sentence than a job)
Out-of-character information
Frnakles Me.

Penal Guard Hellen is here to serve out the rest of her six year sentence.


Hellen is relatively unremarkable in appearance, her short bob cut is distinctive but also practical and her dress is styled on the Anirian Penal Guard that she might be known from a distance.

Skills and Abilities

Swordplay: Hellen is a fair fighter and knows how to fight in a group without causing too many issues. She prefer's longswords but knows how to wield spears, daggers and shields as well.
Underworld Contacts: Hellen knows a few contacts in the less reputable side of the Law. She is able to use them to get information but the relationship is not particularly strong since her work with the Guard has started.


Hellen is quiet and efficient. She rarely speaks of herself if she ever speaks at all. She does not like the Guard or her position in it and makes no bones about this. That said, she will obey an order from a superior officer if it is given. but she is often concerned more with the letter than the intent of the command. It is commonly understood that this is her way of rebelling against her circumstance.

Biography & Lore

Hellen was arrested for crimes of which she does not speak and positioned in the Guard to work of her sentence. Little else is commonly known and she refuses to give more easily.


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