Helen "Rose" Thorn

[var]helen "rose" thorn[/var]

Biographical information
Thanasis 30s-40s Thanasis
Physical description
Human Female 5'5" Healthy red green Tanned from the sun.
Political information
Healer and owner of a plant nursery.
Out-of-character information
Zelici 6/19/2024 https://www.freepik.com/premium-ai-image/anime-girl-with-long-red-hair-standing-front-mountain_77791925.htm?sign-up=google


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Red hair, green eyes, in shape and curvy. Not much of a warrior.

Skills and Abilities

Recognizing useful and dangerous plants, growing plants, some surgery, herbal medicine, knowledge of plant, animal, human, and dragon anatomy.


Kind and well....motherly. Gentle and sassy. Playful.

Biography & Lore

Rose goes by her middle name usually and that is what her late husband called her. While her husband's, and now only her, place of business is in the city proper, her home and growing fields are just outside it. The fields of her garden are encircled by a massive wall to keep out danger and she has dogs free roaming, but it is close enough to the city that they are safe enough.

Rose lost her family in a mudslide while gathering new plants for their business. It had just rained and she hadn't wanted to go out or take the children, but her husband insisted it would be fine. It was not fine. Somehow she survived the mudslide, but her family did not. Their bodies were never found.

Hers was not the only family destroyed that day. At least as far as she can assume. Not being psychic or bonded to the little creature she cannot say for sure. But on the day her family was lost to her she found a young Ransa dragon almost completely buried in the fresh earth and debris of the mudslide. She dug it out and carried it home to help it before handing it to the Riders, but the little dragon won't let anyone but her take care of it even though they don't share a bond.


Young Ransa dragon:

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