Like most Half orcs, Grim stands taller than the average human with heavily muscled body frame, thick limbs and coursed black body hair. His elongated square jaw is complete with two protruding tusks that resemble his orichish heritage (Smaller of course). His body is littered with scars, a testament to a life of violence and savagery. His charcoal black eyes were a endless depth of ink, sorrow, and pain. The whites of his eyes nor the vessels that flowed through them could be seen. They were the depths of a dark abyss holding a thousand souls yet there were none to be seen.
Skills and Abilities
Grim possess the strength and brutality of his Orcish ancestry as well as the resourcefulness and agility of his Human ancestry. This combination has made the Half-Orc a formidable warrior and fierce individual. He is talented in hand to hand combat and with most martial weapons, but prefers the long blade above all.
Grim is a violent, aggressive and brutal man, with a pragmatic and fatalistic view of the world. He is a formidable warrior and he doesn't hide his love of killing people, believing all men love it, and those that say they don't are liars. However, he also displays small hints at being a reasonably affectionate and compassionate man underneath his rough exterior. His unquenchable thirst for bloodletting is only rivaled by his thirst for life's simple pleasures, such as ale, women and pipeweed.
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