Grigori Mikhal
Appearance and Equipment
* Medium-length blond hair, brown eyes, fair skin, 6'4", short beard, barrel-chested and stocky build. Deep, dark facial scarring on his cheeks and on his forehead above his right eye.
* If armored, clad in a full suit of chainmail with a dark gray surcoat and black cloak
* If armed, usually with his two-handed axe. Also carries a shield and shortsword as sidearms.
Skills and Abilities
Praetor Anti-Magic: Grigori is a Null, meaning that magic of any kind as no effect upon his person. The benefits of this are that it is always active, requiring no concentration nor energy, but the drawbacks are that it only affects himself, and therefore he cannot protect others directly with his gift nor, say, cancel a fireball in flight or dispel a curse.
Praetor Training: Praetors of Gild are warrior statesmen, and as such they receive ample martial training. Grigori's style is more characteristic of a brute, fierce and powerful, using his natural size and strength to overwhelm his opponents with his preferred two-handed weaponry.
Personality and Characteristics
* Warm and compassionate, he wants nothing more than for the best of those around him. Quite the gentle giant when not out at work, but often his profession as a Praetor puts him in situations where he must be stalwart and stoic.
* An introvert, he is quiet and reserved, never boastful. Even with friends he tends not to say more than what is needed.
* Dependable. Grigori makes no pledge or promise lightly, and is greatly vexed if for any reason he cannot fulfill an obligation.
* Idealistic, he seeks a better tomorrow for all Gildans, and holds the tenets of Jura in the highest regard.
* In recent times, has grown detached and gloomy, though he makes efforts to hide this.
+ Was once married, and had one daughter. He reminisces on it from time-to-time, and is glad for those who presently enjoy their marriages and their families.
+ Creative in his off-time, and has taken up painting as a hobby. He enjoys painting the scenic green and mountainous landscapes of Campania.
+ Likes food-eating contests, and can definitely put a lot away in a short time.
+ Volunteers time to tutor and mentor children orphaned by war.
+ Collects coins of all kinds, from all the world over, and is fascinated by what the designs of coins can teach about a place and a people.