Grayhorn is a tall, muscular komodi with amber eyes and charcoal gray skin and scales. His hair is more an ash gray color and often left to hang loose. Dots and lines in his clan's traditional style made from ash paint typically covers his face and body. His figure is masculine and he tends to avoid wearing clothing if possible, although always wears some kind of waist covering. He has a pair of large horns on his head that are the same color as his scales. Most of his body is covered in scales but his chest along with his more sensitive regions, such as his face, seem to lack them.
Skills and Abilities
Ambitionless: Grayhorn is a rather docile soul. He has no ill will towards others usually, even if he is beating them to death at that moment. He rarely holds grudges, which can be a good or a bad thing depending on who he is associating with. He also lacks any kind of lofty goals in life. All he cares about is surviving till the next day and maybe one day reuniting with his tribe. Because of this he easily gets swept up in others plots and schemes. He listens to whomever seems to be the smartest person in the room or whomever has the most authority. He also tends to just do what anyone that seems smarter or more important than him tells him to do. He does all of this without question.
Kindhearted: Grayhorn will do whatever he is told regardless of the moral predicaments of them, but under it all is a genuinely kind heart. He likes to help others in need. This can be good or bad depending yet again on who he is associating with. He is as likely to save a damsel in distress as he is in aiding in high treason if he is given even a remotely sad story. His help comes, once again, without question and without any seeming expectation of reward or repayment. A good deed is done simply because it is good.
Komodi: Grayhorn is a komodi. Scales, fire breath, diseases, stigmas. Everyone knows what komodi are and he is very much a komodi.
Carpentry: Grayhorn is a simple creature. He is never what one would call complex or intelligent, yet it is a different story when something needs built. No matter the material or the demand, Grayhorn seems capable of building any kind of structure if left to his own devices. It is only with a hammer and saw in hand that he is ever capable of anything more than basic math.
Illiterate: Grayhorn can not read. How could that be a bad thing for the komodi in the civilized world?
Kindhearted: Grayhorn will do whatever he is told regardless of the moral predicaments of them, but under it all is a genuinely kind heart. He likes to help others in need. This can be good or bad depending yet again on who he is associating with. He is as likely to save a damsel in distress as he is in aiding in high treason if he is given even a remotely sad story. His help comes, once again, without question and without any seeming expectation of reward or repayment. A good deed is done simply because it is good.
Komodi: Grayhorn is a komodi. Scales, fire breath, diseases, stigmas. Everyone knows what komodi are and he is very much a komodi.
Carpentry: Grayhorn is a simple creature. He is never what one would call complex or intelligent, yet it is a different story when something needs built. No matter the material or the demand, Grayhorn seems capable of building any kind of structure if left to his own devices. It is only with a hammer and saw in hand that he is ever capable of anything more than basic math.
Illiterate: Grayhorn can not read. How could that be a bad thing for the komodi in the civilized world?
Grayhorn is simple. He helps those he can help. He does what he is told. He eats when he is hungry. He sleeps when he is tired. There is nothing complex about him what so ever. Even his odd quirks around others socially are nothing more than his komodi nature coming out. His biggest thing is he is no leader. He is very much a follower.
Biography & Lore
Farah does not remember much from when he was young. Vague memories of blurry faces in blurry places is the best he can do. He does not even remember the name of his tribe. All he remembers is his tribe's traditional face and body markings and that he was told by his mother to "never tell his name to anyone but another komodi." He does not know why she told him this but has always done so since. Sometime after adolescence he got separated from his tribe and was never able to find them again.
The memories begin when Grayhorn was given the name Grayhorn. He was taken in after being lost by a human. Atleast Grayhorn thinks they were human. They were shorter than humans, had a long beard, and seemed to always live in an angry state. Grayhorn was told to call them Grampa and so always did. Grampa was a builder of cities and showed his craft to the young komodi. Both were delighted to see Grayhorn picked it up quickly, although never could figure out how to read the strange scribbles Grampa put on paper.
Grayhorn spent an unknown number of years learning and working with Grampa. All he knew was he went from a young komodi to an adult. It was peaceful and easy. All he had to do was do what Grampa or their employer told them to do. But things came to a sad change. Grampa had been getting sicker and sicker over the years. Many blamed Grayhorn for it but Grampa never did. So Grayhorn figured he was not the problem. One day though Grampa got very sick and was bedridden for a week. By the end of it Grampa's bloodkin arrived. They came with torches and weapons in hand. They screamed the bad names at him and told him to leave. Grampa was too sick to say otherwise so Grayhorn left.
Since then Grayhorn has wandered around looking for his tribe and just trying to survive. Grampa had his bloodkin and they were caring for him, so Grayhorn should do the same. Bloodkin would always care for you the way Grampa had cared for him after all.
The memories begin when Grayhorn was given the name Grayhorn. He was taken in after being lost by a human. Atleast Grayhorn thinks they were human. They were shorter than humans, had a long beard, and seemed to always live in an angry state. Grayhorn was told to call them Grampa and so always did. Grampa was a builder of cities and showed his craft to the young komodi. Both were delighted to see Grayhorn picked it up quickly, although never could figure out how to read the strange scribbles Grampa put on paper.
Grayhorn spent an unknown number of years learning and working with Grampa. All he knew was he went from a young komodi to an adult. It was peaceful and easy. All he had to do was do what Grampa or their employer told them to do. But things came to a sad change. Grampa had been getting sicker and sicker over the years. Many blamed Grayhorn for it but Grampa never did. So Grayhorn figured he was not the problem. One day though Grampa got very sick and was bedridden for a week. By the end of it Grampa's bloodkin arrived. They came with torches and weapons in hand. They screamed the bad names at him and told him to leave. Grampa was too sick to say otherwise so Grayhorn left.
Since then Grayhorn has wandered around looking for his tribe and just trying to survive. Grampa had his bloodkin and they were caring for him, so Grayhorn should do the same. Bloodkin would always care for you the way Grampa had cared for him after all.
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