Ginrou Morikami
The second son of an Intendant in the city of Sonshan. Ginrou spends most of his time tending to his family's affairs, and preparing for his future wedding. He's a diligent man who affords himself few freedoms, and tends to soon regret any downtime, whenever he gets the chance to relax.
Tall and broad shouldered, a bit more muscled than Sonshan fashions dictate for men of his status. To make up for this, his complexion is smooth and his appearance well tended - soft hands, no dirt under the fingernails, a light brushing of ochre shadow to bring out the warmth of his eyes. Long silver hair is always tied back in a respectable tail, ornamented with gilded ribbon. His hair has a rough texture, and tends to frizz in wet weather. It is something he is embarrassed about.
Skills and Abilities
Noble Upbringing - Ginrou has all the skills appropriate for a noble son. He is learned in literature and music, he can sing and dance. He knows how to keep a house, and can balance books, though he does so with little love. The only chore he seems to enjoy is cooking.
Swordsmanship - He knows how to hold a sword, if only because his older sister needed someone tall to practice against growing up. He's never fought anyone outside of friendly duels.
Strategist - Though too proper to gamble (at least openly), Ginrou enjoys playing all kinds of recreational games - cards or dice, strategy or luck. He's good enough to win, most of the time.
Warm and gentle in demeanor. His expressions are subdued and he takes most things in stride. Ginrou comes across as an honest sort at first glance, but he has a bad habit of hiding the uglier truths of life behind omissions and lies. Subterfuge is a necessity of court, but such precautions spill into his personal relationships as well.
Biography & Lore
For as long has he can remember, Ginrou has been defined by the others in his life. He was born the second son of a bureaucrat - he has an eldest sister, an older brother, and a younger sister. He gets along well enough with his family, though the tension between his eldest sister, Matsuri, and himself is clear to any outsider. Matsuri is set to inherit everything - but she dreams of a military career full of adventure, and neglects the family business. Ginrou is often left to clean up her messes when she disappears.
Because of her daughter's fickle nature and the uncertainty of her heir, Ginrou's mother has negotiated a promising marriage for him - an alliance that would strengthen their family's position. He is betrothed to the daughter of another Intendant family, a young woman named Yon Mun.
Ginrou performs his duties with few complaints, but a certain doubt looms over his recent days. The closer to his wedding date he gets, the more he dreads the idea of living the rest of his life with his in-laws, away from the city and the family that he loves.
Because of her daughter's fickle nature and the uncertainty of her heir, Ginrou's mother has negotiated a promising marriage for him - an alliance that would strengthen their family's position. He is betrothed to the daughter of another Intendant family, a young woman named Yon Mun.
Ginrou performs his duties with few complaints, but a certain doubt looms over his recent days. The closer to his wedding date he gets, the more he dreads the idea of living the rest of his life with his in-laws, away from the city and the family that he loves.