Gideon Argos

Gideon Argos

Biographical information
Allir Reach 27 Alliria
Physical description
Human Male
Political information
Out-of-character information

Son of a landed noble, Gideon grew up being told that his future lay in building the family name. Be that through shrewd diplomacy, back-alley murder, or sheer, ruthless business acumen - that was for him to decide. Instead, his father experienced a precipitous drop from power. What little money had been squirreled away from prying eyes was kept untouched for some years, mindful that they would be watched.

Ultimately, sickness took his father from him, and with his mother's family little more than a footnote of peasant labor, Gideon was finally able to dig out some of that money. His mother expected a tour of revenge, or that he'd somehow start climbing the ranks of the social elite again.

Instead, he's bought a tavern. "The Tanning Pit" is a nod to his maternal grandparent's trade, and it's become a regular watering hole for a wide range of clientele. Quick to smile and laugh, the man behind the bar can - if the mood is just right - be encouraged to play the pipes.

That's not to say life is perfect for him. But, the trial's of the past feel like just that - the past. For now, he's learning to appreciate the present before worrying about the future.


A warrior's build, with broad shoulders and fighting trim. Dark hair shorn at the temples and graying just above the ears. Slightly unkempt growth up top. Bright blue eyes. Downturned mouth and the start of frown lines.

Skills and Abilities

Oratory: Words are the first line of both attack and defense. He's gotten used to verbal sparring among the nobility, and is no stranger to the role flattery plays in persuasion.
Mind the Crowd: Working a bar means honing your perception. Able to read a room at a glance, and spot trouble before it develops. This perception extends beyond crowds, and has given him a sense for when something is 'off.'
Music: Passably able to play a few instruments, including the pipes and flute.
Fighting: Can defend himself with sword and dagger, and has done enough travel to be useful as an adventurer should need press. Most comfortable when using a crossbow.
Lycanthrope: He doesn't tell anyone about this.


He's a barkeep.

Biography & Lore

<This is where your detailed biography will go. Feel free to complete this section later and add to it as your character develops>


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