The Green Dragon stretches approximately 85ft. from the end of his snout to the tip of his tail in his natural form with a wingspan of 80ft when in flight. He stands 20ft. at the shoulder, taller if rises up onto his haunches. His weight is a solid 54.43 tonnes. Scales, thick and large appear shades of emerald and olive all across his body. He has piercing orange eyes that pulsate with energy radiating from dark pupils. Horns and ridges crest backwards over his skull. A mouthful of jagged swordlike teeth are set into his mouth and his claws are the length of short spears that curve into crescent shaped razors.
As a man, when he changes his appearance the Dragon appears fairly average. Average height, average weight and so forth. The defining features that sets him apart from men are the vibrant green hair that he maintains in his facade and the orange depth of his eyes which remain despite his appearance.
Skills and Abilities
Toxic Breath - Geladryx has the breath inherent to his kind. He can expel a cloud of chlorine gas that covers a large area and its inhabitants. The Gas burns the eyes, making it difficult to see and irritates the skin however it is deadly if inhaled corroding the lungs of anything that takes a mouthful. Limited exposure causes shortness of breath, fatigue, muscle weakness and vomiting among other detrimental affects; prolonged exposure is fatal as the lungs dissolve under the barrage of the toxic chlorine causing internal hemorrhaging and eventually incapacitation leading to death.
Necromancy - The Dragon is a competent Necromancer with the ability to drain the life force of others, devour the souls of the deceased, raise the dead and a swath of other abilities involving the powers of death and the dead. Minor uses of magic can be performed almost instantaneously by Geladryx however major spells require time and in some cases are almost ritualistic in nature making them less practical when time is of the essence.
Divination - The Dragon knows divination to a limited degree. He can cast his gaze out across his territory from his lair, searching and seeking for anyone he may be traveling or hiding inside of his borders. Many intruders have come seeking to ambush the Emerald Death only to discover that he has prepared for them.
Necromancy - The Dragon is a competent Necromancer with the ability to drain the life force of others, devour the souls of the deceased, raise the dead and a swath of other abilities involving the powers of death and the dead. Minor uses of magic can be performed almost instantaneously by Geladryx however major spells require time and in some cases are almost ritualistic in nature making them less practical when time is of the essence.
- The Price: The Dragon pays the price for his magic with his own life force. Minor acts of Necromancy cause fatigue later in the day, usually hours after their use however repeated uses of magic stack with one another causing the onset time to diminish. Geladryx may became exhausted after minutes if he is not careful. Major uses of Necromancy steal life from the Dragon in the way of years and while dragons are known to live for thousands of years the countdown lessens for Geladryx the more he exerts his will over the shroud of death. The Dragon has been known to sacrifice captives, etc when preforming major acts of magic, offering their life force in exchange for the powers he covets as well.
Divination - The Dragon knows divination to a limited degree. He can cast his gaze out across his territory from his lair, searching and seeking for anyone he may be traveling or hiding inside of his borders. Many intruders have come seeking to ambush the Emerald Death only to discover that he has prepared for them.
- The Price: While using his powers of divination Geladryx is effectively blind, he sees his territory and those within but not his immediate surroundings and after his use of divination ceases his vision remains clouded for a time afterwards. The exact time the Dragon remains blind is dependent on the length of time he uses the magic of divination however his blindness slowly begins to clear over the course of minutes to hours in most cases. It has not been unknown for the Dragon to be struck blind for several days after particularly taxing or lengthy uses of divination though.
The Emerald Death covets knowledge more than treasure preferring to horde ancient tomes and relics of forgotten history rather than gemstones and coins though he is does not dismiss these items either. Geladryx believes he is the intellectual superior to the majority of creatures he deals with though he shows deference to creatures more physically imposing then himself. The Dragon is arrogant but not stupid and prefers to act through Hirelings or Minions. In combat he is brave to the point of knowing when the odds are against him and choosing to strategically withdraw in such cases rather than continue fighting and potentially meet his death. The Dragon also believes in his innate superiority to the lesser races and seeks to carve a kingdom of his own out of a portion of the Allir Reach.
The Emerald Death's lair is on the eastern border of the Allir Reach near the Spine in a thickly forested area. The Lair is most accessible on a Hillside that descends into a subterranean area filled with roots from the forest above. A maze of tunnels and corridors exist here, many of which are trapped and will cave in on anyone not cautious in their advance. The penultimate chamber in the lair is a large cavern filled with a pile of coins, gems and tomes penned a lifetime ago that the Dragon keeps for himself the bulk of which sits atop a rise in the chamber allowing Geladryx to see anyone enters. There are also several escape routes and secondary entrances that stretch out from the main chamber allowing the Dragon to flee or ambush intruders as he sees fit. One such secondary entrance dips below water level and exits into a shallow lake that the Dragon carefully conceals at its bottom.
Minions and Hirelings
The Dragon prefers to act through Hirelings and Minions whom he sends out to raid caravans, burn villages and claim more territory for himself in most cases. These characters will usually be NPC's who can be slain and replaced as necessary in roleplay threads involving them.
The Uz Moddad - A Tribe of Orc's from the southern Spine who have sworn allegiance to the Emerald Death and encroached on the borders of the Allir Reach. They number in the low hundreds and are lead by a Chieftain, Yroh the Bloodletter.
The Rochester's - A Human Family that secretly swears fealty to the Dragon lead by their patriarch Corban Rochester. The family has deep pockets due to mercantile interests which the Dragon acts as a unknown patron towards, much of their income also comes from the slave trade which they keep a carefully guarded secret. They are primarily based in the frontier of the Allir Reach.
Bandits - The Dragon has several Bandit Companies which he uses to attack caravans, raid towns and so forth. These Bandits are usually approached by the Emerald Death in his human disguise and hired to reek havoc in whatever area the Dragon currently has his attention on either to dive back settlers or just generally sow discord.
The Undead - Due to his skill with Necromancy the Dragon has managed to raise a compliment of undead. While the majority of these are mindless zombies there are some more intelligent Ghouls among them. One such Ghoul, Mala'ti acts as the equerry of the Emerald Death.
The Uz Moddad - A Tribe of Orc's from the southern Spine who have sworn allegiance to the Emerald Death and encroached on the borders of the Allir Reach. They number in the low hundreds and are lead by a Chieftain, Yroh the Bloodletter.
The Rochester's - A Human Family that secretly swears fealty to the Dragon lead by their patriarch Corban Rochester. The family has deep pockets due to mercantile interests which the Dragon acts as a unknown patron towards, much of their income also comes from the slave trade which they keep a carefully guarded secret. They are primarily based in the frontier of the Allir Reach.
Bandits - The Dragon has several Bandit Companies which he uses to attack caravans, raid towns and so forth. These Bandits are usually approached by the Emerald Death in his human disguise and hired to reek havoc in whatever area the Dragon currently has his attention on either to dive back settlers or just generally sow discord.
The Undead - Due to his skill with Necromancy the Dragon has managed to raise a compliment of undead. While the majority of these are mindless zombies there are some more intelligent Ghouls among them. One such Ghoul, Mala'ti acts as the equerry of the Emerald Death.
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