Gannis is a member of the Venari. They are an organisation of lycanthropes, free of political influence, dedicated to dealing with even more dangerous beasts. Like all of his kind, he is partnered with a custos canem hunting dog and takes coin (backed up by tightly worded contracts) for the slaying of beats.
He is more slight than most other venari. Gannis should not have survived the procedure where his kind are deliberately turned. Left in a half turned state his mentors turned a blind eye and eventually he completed the process. Even then, he was sickly for weeks and most thought that he would either pass or be put out of his misery.
Gannis, it seemed, had a much greater tenacity for survival than anticipated. His shifted form is an albino lycan, smaller than most other Venari after the change. When a group of venari come together, he is the mangey runt of the pack.
Gannis is slender and has pale skin. His shape lies somewhere between lithe and gaunt. No matter what he eats he remains this way. He is a man of few words and his demeanour could only be described as grim. His hair is usually kept closely shaved whilst his beard is usually long and tied. His entire body is covered with blue tattoos. One eye is a piercing blue the other has been permanently damaged by a potion he took. They remain this colour when he shifts and they seem much brighter in the moonlight.
He carries a sword that looks like it was made for butchery, rather than fine swordsmanship. Gannis is of the opinion that few monsters appreciate fine fencing and on the rare occasion he ends up tracking human quarry they deserve to be butchered.
He carries a sword that looks like it was made for butchery, rather than fine swordsmanship. Gannis is of the opinion that few monsters appreciate fine fencing and on the rare occasion he ends up tracking human quarry they deserve to be butchered.
Skills and Abilities
- Exceptional tracker
- Not as powerful as other venari
- Exceptional sense of smell